
Monday, February 12, 2024

Ten Commandments Removed From Kentucky Courthouse

The Ten Commandments has been removed from a courthouse in Spencer County, Kentucky. A concerned citizen reported to the Freedom From Religion Foundation that the display made them queasy. 

The Freedom From Religion Foundation is a Wisconsin-based group of atheists. They say the Ten Commandments are unconstitutional – and show government favoritism toward religion.


  1. Now they have a Godless judicial system, just like the Feds.

  2. I'll go you one further....since thou shalt not kill and thou shalt not steal are found in the Bible, the government is acknowledging Christianity by enforcing those laws.

    1. No, it's not Christianity. Most civilizations frowned upon murder and theft. Look at Hammurabi's Code for starters.

    2. Back when the Feds forced the 10 commandments removal from one of the southern courts, the local paper had a survey with one of the options being "(c) it's okay, but only if you include something from the Jewish and Islamic religions". Evidently the idiots at the paper didn't realize that the 10 Commandments were Judaic -- and that Islam actually honors Moses as an Islamic prophet.

  3. Biblical 10 commandments bad? Why don't they get the Disney folks to come up with a diversity, equality inclusion rewrite.

  4. It is sheer hypocrisy for ANY government agency, etc. to post the 10 Commandments. Their FOUNDATION is based on THEFT to pay the bills. It doesn't become less immoral or any less THEFT, simply because government does it.

    1. Do you consider tithing to be theft? The Levites / priests were the effective government of Israel before the time of the kings.

    2. MrLiberty, if you have to use caps to make your point, your argument is weak.

    3. MrLiberty is ignorant of U.S. history.

  5. We've removed God from the schools, the courts, and from any hint to the public....and we wonder why the country is going downhill....there was a time when Sunday services were held in the senate, and every legislative session started with a prayer...also, every school day started with a prayer....remember, the most important thing to the socialists is to replace God with the state and to destroy the family unit....I give you the democrat party....

  6. Good. About time. Did you know that many of these 10 Commandment monuments were put up in the 1950's? As a publicity stunt for the Charleton Heston movie.

  7. I can't believe no one posted the classic comment for this...

    You can't have the Ten Commandments... "Thou shalt not lie, Thou shalt not steal, etc.
    ... in front of a courthouse where lawyers work...
    It creates a hostile workspace.

  8. "Concerned citizen" They misspelled "leftist fuck".

    Of course, the ten commandments are probably a "trigger" to all the people who work in that building.

  9. There's a difference between being a Christian-based country and having a mandated state religion (which is what such groups desire - "atheism")

  10. I’m amazed that these geniuses don’t understand where our laws originated from. Deep down inside we all have a sense of right and wrong. Some are just able to ignore it.

    1. It certainly doesn't come from Christianity/the Bible. - "Though Shalt not kill". "Go out and slaughter the Amalakites the men, women and children in the name of the lord."

    2. There are some questions as to whether the modern translations of the Bible changed the wording from "Thou shalt not murder" to the more generic "Thou Shalt not Kill"

  11. They don't claim the Ten Commandments are unconstitutional. They claim that displaying the Ten Commandments on government property is unconstitutional because it endorses one religion over others in violation of the First Amendment. Which is true.


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