
Thursday, February 15, 2024

The most annoying things people do at grocery stores

Almost anyone who goes to the grocery store has dealt with at least one annoying shopper. There’s usually that one shopper (or sometimes several) who makes something as simple as buying groceries more difficult than it has to be.

Shoppers annoyed, bothered or downright mad about the lack of “grocery store etiquette” held nothing back when asked about the most frequent annoyances and behaviors of others while at the store.

On Nexstar’s KSN lifestyle show, “Living Well” with Gary Bandy and Shelby Neely, viewers were asked, “What are the most annoying or rude things you see people do at the grocery store?”


The stores around here aren't that bad. Sure, people visit in the aisle but they move when they notice you, and folks return their carts/buggies not only to the spaces in the parking lot, but also to the store itself.

My biggest bitch is when I'm leaving. I can be backing out of my parking spot and it seems like every damned time I'll see somebody walking directly behind my truck - as I'm moving! I'm not talking just starting to back out, either. I can be halfway out of my spot, cutting my wheels, and have somebody walk behind me. They actually walk around me as I'm moving instead of stopping and waiting a whopping 5 seconds.


  1. Agreed on "walkers". My 2022 Tundra "beeps" & locks down until they pass.

  2. I hate all the fat fucks on scooters. Granted, some folks need em but most are just fat and too lazy to walk. It would do them some good for cryin out loud. I am always tempted to kick em over.

    1. * fat is not a handicap.
      Arise and walk ya lazy bastard.

    2. Scooters are for "Frail not Whale" .
      They sure get upset when I tell them that.
      Backwoods Okie

  3. It's getting to the point that anyone in the store while I'm there pisses me off.

    1. Yup

      Evil Franklin

    2. That’s exactly what i was going to say as well.

  4. They didn't mention the little old ladies who wait until everything is tallied up, THEN start fishing in their purse for the checkbook and the pen, and taking all day to write the check.

    1. No, they fish out a random stack of coupons first.

  5. What pisses me off, more than anything lately, is the lack of cashiers and the over abundance of self checkouts. That and the freaking people have absolutely have to carry on conversations with the cashier. STFU, pay for your stuff and GTFO.

  6. A homogeneous society is courteous, respectful and polite. Diverse societies are not, especially wheh the government is deliberately pushing them to hate each other.

  7. People who make a trip to HEB into a family affair, dragging along doddering old mamacita and their 8 unruly kids, blocking the aisles in both directions like a clogged sewer pipe.

  8. People on the phone arguing with their spouse about some meaningless grocery choice. Right before Thanksgiving I was in a store and went past some 350 lb+ woman arguing with her husband over the phone about what flavor Dr. Pepper they should get for Thanksgiving dinner. I felt like grabbing the phone from her and telling him "the answer is you shouldn't be guzzling soda and should go outside for a long walk and take this tub of lard with you". But I didn't. I manintained control. Barely.

  9. My main complaint is the young female fuckers in expensive skin tight spandex wearing a baseball cap with their pony tail pulled through the rear expansion band, sporting Gucci eyeglasses the size of a 1956 Caddie hubcap and who look like they just came from the local Planet Fitness after doing their iron pumping order a Starbucks Peppermint latte while staring at their iPhone and then after putting their salad and other gluten free shit in the trunk of their Electric power Mercedes they can't walk 15 feet to put the cart in the cart cage, but leave in in a parking place. I get so pissed!

    1. That's, uh, rather specific there. Anything you need to talk about? /s

    2. Phil, I'm leaving out the sorted details for my psychiatrist's ears only due to some legal issues with my much younger former wife.

    3. Bogs should have his own talk show.

  10. The one thing that bothers me is the shitbirds yaking on their phones, loudly at that. The lard ass riding the electric cart is a sad indictment on our society and our food choices. I always go out of my way to help the old folks toddling around pushing a cart or using a walker or cane. Lifting something heavy or reaching a shelve to high. And I ain't no spring chicken.

  11. The Shopping Cart Theory: It posits that the level of a community’s collective morality may be indicated by the number of carts abandoned in supermarket parking lots. People who abandon them for their own convenience do so at the expense of the other shoppers.

    1. Cart Narcs is a hilarious YouTube channel totally dedicated to this subject:

    2. Well, if the stores would put more 'cart park' spots, then there'd be less loose carts.

      At any Publix I shop, there's usually 2-3 employees bird-dogging for carts and they'll come up to me while I'm unloading and wait.

  12. My biggest complaint are the people that park the cart on the right side, then move to the left to shop for their items, thereby blocking the whole lane. I have to agree with anon @8:13 AM!!!!

    1. It's inversely purportional to the amount of shoppers in the isle.

  13. Saw something new yesterday. Woman refused to put anything on the belt, until the shopper in front of her had cashed out and left the isle.
    I was behind two people in the next lane. And still got checked out before her.

  14. Old women (always women) holding me up while they finger every identical loaf of bread (or whatever) thinking they're going to pick the best one. Jesus effing Christ, they're all alike ! Just grab one and GTF out of my way !

    1. No, they are not. Bread has a clip at the top that shows its sell-by date. I've failed to check and bought bread two weeks expired (stale). I always check dates now because store employees don't care.

  15. People who have to have their carts with them constantly. Example: Shopping at the meat counter but having their cart there also blocking other people from getting to what they want. Happened to me recently. Old lady with her cart blocking me. I moved her cart away a little bit and of course she gets ticked and said "I'm shopping". Well what did she think I was doing?

  16. People who spend all day driving on the right all of the sudden become fucking British when walking or pushing a cart in a store, or on the sidewalk.

  17. I go real early. Don't have to put up with all the BS. -sammy

  18. Yep, I normally take in a cart on my way into the store, and drop it off at cart line if i don't need it. I'm walking in, may as well help the person collecting carts.

    My pet gripe is waiting for people being dropped off in front of store. As in car stops and then they take a little while (>30 seconds) to finally get out of vehicle and walk behind the car. If you know you are going to do that, then be ready to bail out. I don't mind a few seconds, but when you get two or three cars behind you, you are taking too long.

  19. I avoid all of the above by shopping my favorite supermarket on Sunday morning when they open at 6am. At that time the only thing you need to deal with is the guys stocking shelves, and most of them are pretty cool.

    Usually during my shopping I try to remember to thank the Lord for the bounty that still exists in the gool ol' USA. I'm appreciating it while I can.

  20. I absolutely love being the second person at the deli counter waiting to request my pound of roast turkey or beef. The deli person finishes slicing the quarter pound of muenster for the person I'm waiting on and I'm just about to speak but suddenly they also need a quarter pound of american and a quarter pound of honey ham, and a quarter pound of pastrami, and a quarter pound of some other effing thing that the clerk has to go to the cooler to get a fresh one of... and so on until I'm two systolic points from a brain aneurism.

  21. My bug up my ass/rant concerns convenience store etiquette. I want a cup of black coffee, pour, snap lid, pay, be tf outa there. The genii who put the cream, sugar, ice, swizzle sticks, titty milk, etc. right on the counter next to the gd coffee pot should be flogged. It's not a hobby with me.
    Oh, so you have to sip it now and add ice and another 3 bags of sugar and stir...and stir. Juyzuss! I could pour and step away in under 10 seconds, but no, there's an amateur barista blocking the entire operation.

  22. I have narrowed it down to the fact that there are 2 types of people in the world. They are those who return their carts to the proper place and those who don't.
    If you consider things, it is pretty much summed up with that thing. Good decent and unselfish people take the time to do the right thing. Those who are not so decent and unselfish just drop them wherever to let the employees retrieve them. I believe that the traits carry over into the rest of people's lives.
    I do admit that on certain occasions I have left my cart where it doesn't belong, like between the front of my car and that facing me. I rarely do this, only if in a very, very urgent trip, like to get my wife to the hospital, after finding out that she was ill while sitting in the car, or some such thing. As a rule I try to do the right thing, since even though store employees are responsible for the carts, they are not my mother who must pick up after me. And of course my mother never had to do that, since I respected her too much, both as my mom and a full time worker her entire life until 2 months before she died of lung cancer at the age of 79.
    I was raised by parents who taught me respect by showing respect to others.

  23. There in the dairy department to get some milk and some chicken ieans over to grab something from the bottom shelf and while I'm checking out the milk jugs she straightens up, looks at me and sneers and marches off. Now that passes me off the way she cut the show short

  24. I agree with a lot of the points made here, but what drives me nuts most is all the hot moms wearing black yoga pants! WTF?

    When I'm with my wife, I still have to give a good look at the ass and it gets me in trouble every time. Damn whore bitches!

  25. Fucking DOGS! Don’t get me wrong, we have a dog, I love dogs, everyone should be able to have a dog but leave them the hell home! Not talking about service animals which is primarily for the blind. Nope, old bastards and stupid bitches who cannot breathe without their PTSD dog with them. If they’re so afflicted stay the fuck at home and order delivery because dogs do not belong in grocery stores!

  26. Shoppers that have to look at every item in their cart like they are deciding if they want it when unloading their shopping cart, one item at a time at the checkout

  27. People at the self checkout that can't go without being told when and where to go. When you tell them one is open they get snippy with you. When the worker say the same thing they are good. You got eyes use them and go to the open checkout. You don't need to be told every dran thing! Then you have those self checkout workers that think they are in charged of the self checkout. When you go without them telling you they get mad at you and raise a stink, well do your work and stop flirting / joking with your co-workers.

  28. One thing that gets up my nose is people who take an item, put it in the cart, and decide later they don't want/need it, and just put on on whatever shelf is handy instead of putting it back where they bloody got it. ESPECIALLY meat products or other perishables left on unrefrigerated shelves. At the price of that shit - those people should be horse-whipped.

    1. I'll go out of my way to put an item back where it came from. It should be common courtesy but it's the bane of grocery store workers everywhere.

  29. @ABE, Dude! Where do you shop? Around here it is Manatee country. Camel toe? Try Buffalo flap with wagon track through it.

  30. I park as far from "humans" and their vehicles as possible. I would rather walk 100 yards then deal with morons. Maybe why I am reading this post.

  31. As a former night worker, I really appreciated 24-hour supermarkets. When I went in after work, the shelves were fully stocked, or in the process. Every aisle that was being stocked had a boom box set to a different radio station. No lines at checkout. Best of all, no crying children in the checkout line. Did I mention no crying children?
    Stay safe

  32. When a hot woman is shopping and she will not respond to my flirting 😏

  33. - When you go shopping and being THIRTY of your fucking family members along. It's always newcomer types from shithole countries that do this.
    - When two stupid assholes decide to park their fat asses right in the middle of an aisle and catch up, and then I get the dirty look when I tell them to get the fuck out of the way.
    - When someone starts loading onto the belt at the cashier before I'm done. If things get mixed up I've learned to tell the cashier "Hmm, I don't need that" and they (almost always knowing what happened) will gladly take it away. In fairness it's been a while since this happened.
    - When some lazy piece of shit can't be bothered to return a shopping cart. There really is NOT an excuse for this. You are just a lazy entitled asshole if you do this.

    For my part, I have to remind myself to slow down sometimes, and I know that I find myself starting at cute chicks too much at times, and I'm really getting too old for that.


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