
Thursday, February 15, 2024

Well, that didn't take long, did it?

President Joe Biden has pointed to the recent shooting in Kansas City as supposed proof to lawmakers that they should support his bid to ban assault weapons.

The longwinded statement - issued some six hours after the shootout at the city's Super Bowl Parade - said the day's events should 'shock' and 'shame us' into acting.

He added how the US's most recent mass shooting 'cuts deep,' and used it to urge Americans to 'make [their] voice heard in Congress.'


  1. I haven’t found it yet but….
    I don’t believe an assault weapon….
    or a semiautomatic sporting rifle was used…..
    Witnesses didn’t (or media won’t) describe the weapon….
    and note that the weapon had to be walked in.

  2. Word in the hood said they be some Baboons with a dispute over drugs and a baby momma. The odds are they had previous felonies and the side-shooters were purloined.

  3. FJB and his traitorous handlers.

  4. Fuck Joe Biden, fuck the Demoncraps, and fuck any Rhinos that support this.
    -Steve in Idaho

  5. In my 77 years, I've come to believe that these mass shootings are all orchestrated.

    1. Considering what the GOV does or doesn't do in these situations, you are somewhat correct. Too often these thugs, as the Govenor correctly called them, have lengthy arrest sheets usually without decent jail time mostly because they refuse to use the enhanced charges for using firearms, the lack of a father figure or worse one that is also a gang member and the race baiters who make their living off grievances that are mostly of the demographics own making and who refuse to push for a healthy and sponsible life styles for said demographic, they could be considered "orchestrated".

  6. Such bullshit saying 48 mass shootings. I would guess 98.999 of them are gang related or trans related and not one of these stupid suggestions will take guns from gangs.

    1. The left always conceals their definition of a 'mass shooting.' Why do you suppose that is?

  7. Expect more of these planned attacks to foment hysterical calls for gun control


  9. Once more: Divide the country in half. On one side put all those who hate guns in with those who commit gun crimes. On the other side put gun lovers in with those who do not commit gun crimes. Dispute should be resolved in a few days.

    1. Oh yea, throw in some race-baiting, illegal aliens, drugs...everything biden administration has touched has turned into shit !

  10. This isn't a "mass shooting". This is a couple of n*****r gangbangers settling some business in public in a crowd. The dead and injured are just collateral damage to them.

  11. Were they 'Thems' again, Yogi?
    You don't need to ask. You already know the answer, Boo-Boo.

  12. They don't need to identify the shooters. Just the fact that they haven't given us their entire history already says it all.
    Personally I'm hoping for illegal South American gangs for $500 please Alex
    Is anyone has been noticing, there are more and more moped attacks in the cities, that's the trademark of South American gangs especially Venezuela.

  13. My answer to FJB is I need my several semi-auto long guns and plenty filled spare magazines to deal with the massive invasion army of illegals he has brought here with open arms.

  14. A ban on "scholars" would be more effective.

  15. According to the KCMO police, it was a couple of juveniles in custody for the shootings. A dispute that turned deadly and neither one of the shooters got hit, just innocent people. I swear those motherfuckers can't hit the side of a fucking barn, but they sure don't care who gets in the way when they spray and pray.


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