
Monday, February 19, 2024

What to do about Cackling Kamala?

Now that President Joe Biden has revealed himself to possess a mind of room-temperature banana pudding, what should we do with Vice President Kamala Harris? 

You haven’t forgotten Kamala, have you? She’s central to this story, pivotal actually, as essential as any of the great “Femme Fatal” characters in those Film Noir movies, like Barbara Stanwyck in the classic “Double Indemnity,” Pam Grier in “Jackie Brown,” and Kim Basinger in “LA Confidential.”


  1. I'd fuck Pam and let Kamaltoe blow me. There, I said it outloud.

  2. I wouldn't get on a plane or in a car with her.

  3. Leave her as VP. Why disturb too much at once when it isn't needed?

  4. Kamala is really a hyena that belongs in a zoo and there is no WAY in hell she passed the BAR. Unless she did it under the exam table.

  5. Didn't read past that second para. Anyone putting Knee Pads Harris in the same company as the talented women in that para needs to have their head examined.


  6. Someone has to keep FJB from being at the bottom of the barrel

  7. Just tell Hillary Kamala's been bragging about how she's gonna be the first woman President soon.
    Easy Peasy...


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