
Monday, February 19, 2024

They Got Us, Right Where They Want Us

Social media lit up with commentary after a bizarre commercial for a group called “He Gets Us” aired during Sunday’s Super Bowl.

The ad, which you can watch here, consists of still images that depict BLM- and DEI-approved progressive archetypes getting their feet washed by other people, like cops. A white priest washes the feet of a gay black man who took off his rollerskates for the honor. A tattooed gal has her feet washed by a white woman outside the doors of an abortion clinic. Another white lady gazes beatifically at a hijabi while she washes her Muslim feet. Just as Jesus would have wanted.

The nauseating ads were produced by a far-leftwing ad agency and paid for by a group of white Christian boomers who run a charitable organization called “Come Near.”


  1. I've disengaged years ago. If there is an cunt hair of woke in anything I encounter it's dropped like my morning turdoo. Life is not too bad when you live like its 1982.

    Chutes Magoo

  2. It's amazing what you miss by totally ignoring the NFL, Taylor Swift, the Superbowl, or any of associated ads. Didn't click to watch the ad. Not going to. You don't have to allow people to put garbage in your head.


  3. "Right where they want us" alright and eventually, they're going to succeed in destroying America because 99% of the citizens cannot comprehend things are going to change. They think their country of a constitutional republic, fairness and equality is freakin' forever. The remaining 1% are the ones plotting and foreseeing its destruction because they are more than willing to destroy their toy rather than share it with others..

    Listen to Tucker for 10 minutes and you'll see why the human trait of reality avoidance is going to cause the downfall:

  4. Good article. Well written, and very much to the point on all counts. Thanks for posting this one Wirecutter!

    1. I agree with Brother Pilot.

      The unfortunate truth is that most so-called Christians today don't know anything about following the real Jesus of the Bible. And a lot of "church leaders" will be held accountable by God for leading people astray.

  5. So we had this conversation the other day...the style of "fluid christianity".
    I grew up in the 60's and experienced the feel good part of church/religion. It was all good and loving and long as everyone had the same "base" to work off from.
    But then the church started to encounter folks that had no instruction of the Bible. No one had a clue as to any of the stories in the Bible. Stories like Daniel in the lions den or Abraham and Issac on the mountain.
    Those folks that were bereft of any knowledge of the Bible, were simply lost when the "hard" part of faith was expected of them. (hard part-following the 10 commandments, loving your neighbor, etc)
    So instead of diligently instructing and explaining "Real Christianity"; the church morphed into what we see today. A hollow example of what Jesus really wanted for his followers.
    The video (I didn't watch it/I know what it stands for), is a prime example of "easy living christianity" No harsh penalty, just acceptance of the deviance that pervades society today.
    Sigh, so what else can progressive/liberal/leftists screw up?

  6. Thing is, for the money they are spending, they could feed and house every homeless person and then some.

    I just don't get the priorities.

    1. Their priorities are not to feed or house the unfortunate, they are to program their "progressive" beliefs onto the world....

  7. The issue is money, the so called mainstream churches are losing people every day. People are tried of the pure woke bullshit put out by "reverend send me money" in churches in the US and leave. The churches being the corporations they truly are need new ignorant suckers to pilfer. But the real funny part is the Muslim part, like they will put up with your woke shit. Hope the muzzie's win myself, will be lots of laughs watching the perverts,feminists and woke go flying off the rooftops.

  8. Any of those freaks put those nasty ass feet near me, they had better learn to walk on their hands.

  9. Jesus said:
    Matt 10:34 & Luke 22:36

    1. It's time for the church to quit rolling over and draw the sword

  10. I could swear I saw Hillary washing Bill's feet in that commercial during the game. I refuse to watch it again. Nealy every damn commercial was wallowing in 'diversity'.

  11. The wife and I didn't watch the game or anything associated with it. We were at evening service where we happen to be studying Revelation. Our pastor's sermon yesterday was centered on this commercial, and he had a pretty thorough layout about the who, where, and how much were put into it.
    Our church may be small but we are strong. Celebrated our 150th anniversary earlier this year.
    I am faaaaarrrr from being a model Christian, but I am much better than I used to be.
    Stand up, and stay strong Brothers and Sisters.

  12. That reminds me of the correctional process threatened by the preacher at a church we attended when I was young. Any wrong think by the young people of the church brought out the threat of a "Good old fashioned Baptist foot washing". They'd line up the old people on the front row and the young people of the church were expected to wash their feet. Fortunately it remained just a threat. They'd have beat me to death before I'd have complied. It's one of the reasons I walked away from church and never looked back.

  13. I'll NEVER wash the feet of vermin. Period.

  14. Jesus lesson on footwashing was twofold: 1) No matter how great we are, we are still here to help each other, 2) Even if you are clean, or think you are clean, you can still get dirty. So, typical symbol over substance with today's politics, let's do a symbolic gesture over something that actually helps. I'd rather we have people like Jimmy Carter who actually went out and built houses with no one watching instead of washing feet for a camera crew to record.


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