
Monday, February 19, 2024

Houston college student sentenced for Jan. 6 capitol riot, says FBI agent allegedly stole from him

HOUSTON, Texas (KTRK) -- A Houston college student sentenced for his role in the Jan. 6, 2021 breach at the U.S. Capitol is one of the alleged victims of an FBI agent who was indicted for theft. 

Alexander Fan was sentenced to 12 months probation for trespassing during a sentencing hearing on Friday. His attorney, Mark Thering, said he pleaded guilty and expressed genuine remorse in a statement to the court.


  1. Red herring! This had to have been done to put back some credibility into the FBI, and to make it seem as if they are policing its own.

  2. The courts have to stop giving any weight to LEO testimony. They should be on par with any citizen.

    1. It's not the courts, but the jury that needs that instruction. That was told to us when I was on a criminal case jury 30 years ago. The "criminal" was an 18 year old accused of assaulting a cop who looked like he could have tried out to be Superman. We acquitted the kid.

  3. Nope, My guess is he didn't give a cut to the big guy and other LEO's and they got pissed. Someone in office added up the other thefts and figured out the money amounts and said ,WTF wheres our cut?

  4. F*ing Bureau of Idiots


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