
Monday, February 19, 2024

Nearly 243,000 Illegal Border Crossers Reported in January

There were nearly 243,000 illegal border crossers reported in January nationwide, according to new data released by U.S. Customs and Border Protection.

They include 176,205 illegal border crossers along the southwest border. The majority, 124,220, were apprehended between ports of entry.

The remainder were apprehended at ports of entry (marine and air) nationwide, including 15,802 at the northern border, the most in a single month at the northern border in U.S. history.


  1. Regarding the soughern border situation a lotta people are gonna be pissed off at what I'm about to say, but here ya go:

    Unless their daughter is raped and murdered by an illegal alien or their son dies of fentanyl most Americans outside the border zone, including all the political club members don’t give a shit what happens at the southern border. And even if they honestly say they do there ain't a goddam thing they can do about it.

    1. Most folks just (as the stupid movie line goes) “can’t handle the truth” instead it is more comfortable to live in their make believe fantasy world.

      TMF Bert

  2. Tranzies on the right, illegals on the left - stuck in the middle of poo


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