
Monday, February 19, 2024

Okay, Woke Michigan folks - it's your time to shine!

Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer’s “Office of Global Michigan” is looking for resident volunteers to house illegal aliens in their homes and integrate them into society. 

ABC 12 reports Whitmer’s administration is seeking volunteers to do several tasks, including, “meeting the person or family at the airport, helping find housing, enroll children in school, and help with finding employment for adults.”


  1. I wonder how many illegals Whitmer is inviting into her home.

  2. Too bad the FBI didn't kidnap her as planned.

    1. I got a good laugh from this one, thank you 😆

  3. Hey, didn’t the British try this one time?

  4. Hell, I've got family I don't want in my house. You invited them, you house them, Governor's mansion has lots off rooms. All those that had FJB signs in their yards can take them also.

  5. Know what your local and county governments are up to. Scrutinize all the various departments and initiatives. for example in columbus ohio the mayor brags about more than 160,000 people born in other nations live in columbus.
    New American Leadership Academy
    New American Leadership Academy begins 2023 cohort March 8
    “As the 14th largest city in the United States, Columbus is home to more than 160,000 residents who were born in other nations, and we are proud to be a welcoming city for all,”
    immigrants as agents of development 2030 MIGRATION IN THE 2030 AGENDA International Organization for Migration The UN Migration Agency
    welfare for illegals
    CBP One App Port Interview Scheme

  6. See the nice lady in Brokline Mass., already training a family of slaves. What fun.

  7. Yah, fook that boolshit. - Nemo

  8. Its only "Voluntary" right now, soon its mandatory. The UK has started forcing seniors to sell their home to the gov to house their invaders.

    But look at the bright side, they move lets say 4 into your house. That's what $2000 per person per month on their debits cards. You think anyone will come back to check on them afterwards. Be a dam shame if they just disappeared. Maybe they got lonely and went back home.

    1. a backhoe and some land could come in real handy for those you invite in with the neck and face tattoo's. i could keep hundreds. it would be a win-win for everyone. i'm in.
      hey, ya got to offset those grocery store prices somehow,,, and its good for the environment, less carbon.

    2. I think the circle of life is wonderful, just keep the bodies away from water sources.

    3. Hey, sorry Luis, now I'm with SoCoRuss cos I like his end game.

  9. What could go wrong? Sponsor illegal criminals in your home, play stupid games and win stupid prizes. Simple. You first Shitmer.

  10. nubile and young? just the one? I'll think about it

  11. I haven't seen the Smiths ever since the illegal immigrants moved in, strange.

  12. What SHOULD happen is all Democrats be forced to accept migrants, including Whitmer. Then, when the migrants start murdering everyone, they will get rid of the Democrat for us, including Whitmer.

  13. Wait until the migrants sue their hosts for failing to pay minimum wage.

  14. Well, back before Fat Ted Kennedy fucked up the immigration policy in this country that's the way things were done. A host, or sponsor, would take full responsibility for the immigrant, seeing that they were able to secure an apartment and employment, and that they were able to learn the language so as to be able to function independently in our society as they worked their way to citizenship. There were no government financial programs to bail out the host if the immigrant fucked up. You can bet your ass the criminal factions never made it off the boat that way.

  15. And the parents wont be able to say a word after their young daughters turn up pregnant

  16. Hmm, so she houses and feeds them and they cook for her, this sounds familiar for some reason. Yep can t see any way this end badly

  17. Hey gretch, The governors mansion has plenty of room. How many can we we put you down for???

  18. I have been saying for years that any politician who advocates for open borders should be required to live within 100 yards of a facility housing "refugees" and with no intervening walls or security personnel. Show me you truly believe there is no risk to you or your family. The closest thing I've seen to that began when Gov. Abbott started bussing folks to be with the ones who demanded sanctuary. We quickly found out it's one thing to demand others live with the risks, but another when you are faced with the same risks yourself.


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