
Monday, February 19, 2024

Yessir, top notch men

A big question for the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) — how did a woman get through the initial security checkpoint without showing a ticket, a boarding pass or any form of identification at Nashville International Airport (BNA)?


  1. The TSA specifically, but the entire DHS if we're being truthful, IS KABUKI THEATRE!!!
    They don't catch shit at airport checkpoints. Their own testing reveals contraband constantly gets through.
    These are programs created to generate make-work jobs for the retarded proles, so they have jobs and money and don't revolt.
    Bread and circuses prople, this is what is meant by bread and circuses. Government shitjobs and the National Felons League.

  2. identified as an illegal

  3. Her special boarding card was a happy ending for the TSA agent when she smiled and shook his gland.

  4. Would a picture of the woman help us solve this mystery?

  5. When tested, the idiots at tsa missed 95% of the smuggled contraband. Chimpanzees could do a better job.

  6. TSA is there to confiscate cash, not to catch terrorists and hijackers. They sometimes catch drug runners while looking for cash.

  7. I asked a Federal Protective Officer (a branch of DHS) how he liked it. "I should have stayed with DC Police." How bad is it when working for the DC government is better?

  8. TSA is theater, if the jihad wanted to kill a bunch of people and shutdown air travel again they could just send suicide bombers into the checkpoints.


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