
Wednesday, February 14, 2024

You just can't please some people

COLUMBIA, S.C. (AP) — Lawyers for four death row inmates who have run out of appeals argued to the South Carolina Supreme Court on Tuesday that the state’s old electric chair and new firing squad are cruel and unusual punishments. 

They also argued that a 2023 law meant to allow lethal injections to restart keeps secret too many details about the new drug and protocol used to kill prisoners.


  1. Why not use some of that siezed fentanyl coming across our southern border. Then let the lawyers figure out who's making it. That would be a win, win.

  2. Too many secrets? There is a theory if a person did not know the means of execution they would be reluctant to commit the crime. A person kills another knowing they may be electrocuted or given dope. They make a decision knowing the possibility of their fate. However, if death row inmates were taken into a room and came out the other end dead, no one knowing how they were killed, some behaviorists say this would decrease capital murders. The Unknown lurks. I don't know that I would support this, too much power for the gov to abuse. However, I find it intresting from a behavioral stand point.

    1. IMHO, murderers should be executed using the exact same method they used to commit the murder. pity the fool who beat his victim to death.

    2. Cannon, I agree with you completley. The study I spoke of could also have a wonderful dark side. I can see some murder scared shitless being led to the killing building and asking, what did they do to the last guy! The guard smiling and saying, you will soon find out mother fucker but we have something real special for you.

    3. On a world Robert Heinlein called "Beulahland" they did just that. It was called "Balancing." Larry Niven used the Organ Banks. His novelette "The Jigsaw Man" described how the condemned criminal was prepped, chilled, pronounced legally dead, then disassembled, with all the usable parts stored for future transplant. That way a single felon might save a dozen lives, and heal a dozen more.

  3. Shysters doing what shysters do. Making lots of money from the virtuing signaling "save every human" twits who haven't quite reached the "save the planet" level yet. It's like players in the minor leagues hoping to get a step up into the majors

    1. The problem with that is the shysters are using our money to keep these criminals alive while lining their pockets. I know public defenders, for the most part, aren't making a whole lot of money. However, after one appeal and review, death penalty sentences should be executed forthwith, IMHO. Where's the justice for the victim by letting a murderer live out their lives, while the victim is moldering in the ground? Yah, they're incarcerated, but they're alive. Oh, they're going to have to contemplate their deed for a good long time? Boolchit. They could care less, otherwise they wouldn't have murdered in the first place.


  4. You can't pick up a newspaper without reading of an idiot dying of a drug overdose. Give the miscreants a hot shot of heroin and be done with it. it's not rocket science. Or do what the Russians used to do, walk them into a room and a bullet to the back of the head. Bang, it's over.

  5. Use the Nitrogen atmosphere method. At least one other state is either contemplating it or is using it now.

  6. Public hangings need to come back into vogue.

  7. Fuk all that.
    2 lb ball peen between the eyes.
    Strip the hide, fillet the meat off to feed the other prisoners waiting their turn.
    I for one am sick of supporting dead beat fucks
    All of them.

    TMF Bert

  8. If 'Ol Sparky was good enough for PeeWee Gaskins, the Rosenbergs and many others it's good enough for these mooks.
    - WDS

  9. The Onion had an interesting idea 10 years back-

  10. Somebody should just ask the defense attorney's what is a method of execution that is not "cruel and unusual"?? Of course they will reply "there is no way to execute somebody that is NOT cruel and unusual". P.S. hanging and firing squads are not "unusual".....

  11. When they land in hell, the last thing they’re going to think was “oh wow that injection really hurt lmao.”


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