
Wednesday, March 06, 2024

357 Magnum: Top Self-Defense Revolver?

When most cops carried a revolver, the .357 Magnum was considered the best manstopper available with the right loads. Now few folks depend on a wheel gun for self-defense, but if you do the .357 Magnum might still be your best bet.

VIDEO HERE  (19:46 minutes)


I love me some 357 magnum. It's just about all I carry nowadays, either a 4 inch Model 65 or a 2 inch Charter Arms Magnum Pug loaded with Hornady's Critical Defense.


  1. I also luv me my 357 magnums. All three of them. 2” Ruger SP 101, 6” Ruger GP 100, 6” Colt Python. (plus a S&W .38 snubby). They’ll sit for years loaded and then fire stone reliable. /But they’re fun to shoot so they don’t sit long.

    1. I'm pretty close with a 1986, 3" fixed site Ruger GP 100 and a 1962 4", Colt Magnum 357 (later named the Trooper). The 1st gen Trooper was basically a plain barrel Python, until they changed the design with the Mark lll in '69. There are no "bad" US made 357's.
      Back, before I was fine with "good enough", the 357 125gr JHP had the best 1 shot stop record (meaning the fight stopped, not the guy was dead) of ALL hand gun calibers. That's very impressive.

  2. I hunt pigs with mine...

  3. I thought you carried a Commander in .45 ACP.

  4. To me, the 357 is the most versatile round, ever.

  5. An excellent and effective cartridge. And perfectly acceptable in a one on one self defense situation.
    Unfortunately these days the goblins who prey on honest people are starting to work in packs. In such situations you need a lot of rounds. Six just isn't enough anymore. And revolvers are harder to reload quickly compared to a mag fed semi auto.

    1. Dan has never heard of the NYC reload drill. You squat to make yourself less of a target, draw your SECOND revolver and continue the fight.

      Autoloaders are nice unless you limp wrist them and they stovepipe OR your pocket lint from concealed carry jams them (real problem with true pocket pistols). I've seen that happen a few times when training folks.

      Frankly Dan, if you really need more than 3-6 solid hits on your goblins you need a Carbine not a pistol. You're in combat. Not a "Self Defense" situation.

    2. "Autoloaders are nice unless you limp wrist them"

      Not enough people understand that the popular short barreled 9mm and larger auto pistols are expert guns and not for novices. They work great at the range but under stress, forgetting to choke the fuck out of it AND lock your wrist, you will get what appear to be FTEs or FTFs but are really cycle failures due to poor grip.

    3. These “metallic cartridges” are a gimmick, sonny. They are not something any serious shooter would ever use. I’m not going to trust that the factory worker loaded it correctly. I’ll stick to cap and ball for the ultimate in consistent loading and reliability.

  6. 4" M686, 3" M65, 2 1/8" M640.
    16" M94.
    .357- I approve.

  7. Been carrying a 327 lately. Supposed to be 357 light. But who knows. Only person who would know would have had to been shot and not sure they would be able to really portray anything.

  8. My wife has a .357 as a backup from her 9mm semi, but I went with the .38 as the backup and mainly carry a .45. I just feel the .38 is a bit safer for home defense without over penetration if I need to grab it before I can get to my 12 Gauge.
    Not that I would OBJECT if she ever decided to get me a .357...

  9. my EDC is a colt 2" MK 3 in 357. it fits well inside my front pocket and even with a 2" barrel i can put 6 shots in a pie plate at 25 yds, it always shoots and never jams after 35yrs of carrying it.
    i always harp on this, but its always about shot placement. if you can't hit a target with one, 15 more won't help ya. don't run, stand your ground and take your shot.
    Fast is fine, but accuracy is final.-Wyatt Earp

  10. I keep an M & P 340 in my front pants pocket at all times. 125 grain Critical Defense. If I need more than that, I'll have to make it to the car. I also try not to find myself in places stupid enough to need anything. That is the key to longevity. Eod1sg Ret

  11. A 4" S&W Highway Patrolman was always my carry revolver at the ranch. First two up in the cylinder were snake shot, followed by 4 semi-wadcuttter handloads.

    I'm retired now but if I was starting all over again, I wouldn't change a thing. That combination served me well. It never ceased to amaze me how accurate that 4" barrel was and how dependable the gun was regardless of how much alfalfa dust it was subjected to.

    1. Model 19 has always been my favorite. Safest to carry as well.

    2. Elmo sir: practice a couple times/yr w/ Dan Wesson 6" 357 at 100yds at a 35gal oil drum. Gives an old bastard some confidence that I can perforate a threat by getting a head start on them after their wrong turn. Revolver is Startin to get heavier as time flies....

    3. Yep. I couldn't pack that N Frame Model 28 around today, but it sure was fun while it lasted.
      My favorite target practice consisted of shooting wasp's nests with the snake shot. Now you see 'em, now you don't!

      You and Dan Wesson need to come to the ranch and handgun hunt coyotes!

    4. That Anon above was me, Sir Elmo. Not awake yet.

  12. 135gr Hornady criticalD. Ruger GP100 4"
    Gets my vote. Dependable as sunrise. &FJB

  13. I came across a ballistics graph for pistol calibers in carbine length barrels and the .357 outshines all others past 12" it out performs the 10MM. None of the other pistol calibers increased like the .357. Maybe it's got a slower powder or something.

    1. BBTI chart shows .357 top speed is from 16" barrel.

  14. Replies
    1. You got me beat. Mines a 4" S&W 19-4 but it's still pinned and recessed. I have other handguns. I've never actually needed any other handguns.

  15. What’s not to love. I have an SP 101 in 327 mag 4” but at my age it’s not so pleasant to shoot. Arthritis is a real biatch. My 686 6” won’t let me keep my pants up so I generally opt for something smaller and lighter. I’m glad we have choices

    1. That's why I wear suspenders now. Since I quit climbing trees and got old, my ass evaporated.

  16. Revolver only here. I've carried a Charter Arms Bulldog .44 Special since 1990. I like the way it fits my hand. If I had a .357 I wouldn't feel under armed.

  17. Thunder Ranch S&W Model 1950, .45ACP 230gr +P JHP. Grashorn elk grips. Those moon clips reload like cylinder seeking missiles, faster than speed loaders...of course you need to go collect them up afterwards.



  18. Good info guys , now up here in Cantada , it<='s a little harder to exercise basic freedom of firearms , so can y'all recomend a solid reliable combo of handgun and carbine in 357 (mag) so's i don't need 2 different rounds ??? Love the blog Kenny , been a daily read for more years than I can remember

    1. My 2¢ - A Ruger Blackhawk paired with a Marlin Model 1894 would do the trick.

  19. When I bought my 686 6" I'm afraid I was influenced by memories of my old Remington pistol in the seventies. Unfortunately, my eyesight has changed. Still correctable for distance, but I'm having the damnest time focusing on the front sight. It's going back to the gunsmith for some high-vis sights.
    But I love the way the mass of the gun tamps the recoil of the magnum cartridges.

    1. My front sites wear out and get blurry too. Glasses help, but don't fix it.

  20. Revolver or auto? 9, 38, 357, or 45?

  21. Check out Speed Beez ( speed loaders. Much faster and smoother than any other loader I ever used.

  22. I learned how to shoot a pistol with my dad's truck gun, a Security Six. I got a great deal on a S&W 65-2 that has become my cold weather carry for the past 20 years. I run a soft lead 160 gr SWC on the low end of a magnum load that will expand like Hornady's Critical Defense if necessary or punch a hole in a paper target for a fraction of what factory ammo cost.


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