
Friday, March 29, 2024

A free tip for y'all - PRI-G gas treatment

I went out to mow my place today, just under 3 acres, all lawn. I knew the zero turn  mower I bought from my father-in-law early last spring would start because all through the winter I go out and fire up all the small engines I use once every week or two just to keep the diaphragms in the carbs pliable.  

I got the front yard mowed and then the belt on the zero turn came apart on me. Fucking Lane Luck. 
I started to go down and get a new one, but it looks to be a real bitch to install and I really wanted to get my place mowed today and that in itself is about a 3-4 hour job, so I went into the shed to see if my old lawn tractor would fire up. I figured I'd have to drain the gas because it's been over a year since I even started it, but it was crammed into a spot to where I couldn't get to the tank, so I just needed it to run for all of one minute just so I could back it out of the shed to get it to where I could work on it.
I aired up the tires and put my battery jumper to it, and I'll be damned if it didn't fire right up just like I used it yesterday, and that was with gas that was at least a year old. I backed it out and thought, "Damn, this thing's running like a champ!" I let it run for about 5 minutes or so, dumped in some 4 month old gas right on top of the old(er) shit and finished mowing.

Now check this out: Right after we moved here there was the issue in Alabama with that pipeline and we couldn't find a drop of gas anywhere in Macon County for several days, and my truck had about a quarter of a tank of gas in it. I learned my lesson - I now keep both vehicles topped off and I keep at least 40 gallons of gas in my shed.
But gas goes bad after just a couple months, and one of my readers (can't remember who) had suggested that I try PRI-G gas treatment and told me that it would keep my gas fresh for at least a year.
He wasn't lying. Like I said, the gas that was in my lawn tractor was at least a year old and the gas in my shed is all at least 4 months old, and it has been in temps ranging from 100 degrees to below zero in that shed, and it's still good.

You can read about it HERE at the company's site. It's available online, in Walmart and in parts stores.


  1. I've used PRI-G (and PRI-D for diesel) for about a decade now and it's never failed me. For some reason, though, it's been hard to find on the shelves around here so I've been using Sta-Bil 360 more recently and had similar success.

    1. Just ordered from Home Depot. Free shipping.
      Steve S6

  2. I used PRI-G on all stored gas, and generally double the dose. I have burned twelve year old gas in the truck without problem.


  3. Thanks for the tip! I have mixed results using Sta-Bil, BUT, I don't start my engines thru the winter either. I will start doing that to keep them running!

  4. I've always used Sta-Bil in my gas and lately, Sta-Bil 360. It's supposed to protect against ethanol damage and I don't have any gas stations close that sell ethanol free gas.

    I have at least 12 small engines to maintain and while I don't know if it really works, it makes me feel better.

  5. If only you had been warned…

  6. I will enthusiastically +1 this. My bigger diesel and gas tanks for storage get treated with Pri-G. A few months ago we were finally out of both. Looked back at the last date filled and it was 2 years. It was taking a few a few more turns of the gas engines to get it going right at the end of the two years, otherwise no issues. I do put a bit more than recommended but having been using it for about 7 years with great results.
    I do add algae inhibitor to the diesel.

  7. I've used Pri-G (and Pri-D for diesel) for decades.... I have stored gas about 7 years and it ran fine with no enameling. (I also only store ethanol free gas, so that helps too!)

    1. After what I saw today, I don't doubt you one bit.

  8. Seafoam is also an excellent stabilizer, as is really any light oil.

    1. Seconded. Saved myself from a dual carb rebuild on my ATV by spraying out the carbs and putting Seafoam heavy fuel in the tanks. Both my ATV's are over 20 years old and have never run or started better...

  9. I've used Stabil in my gas for years without any problems. I've never heard of Pri-G before. I'll check it out. Thanks.

  10. Thanks for the tip.
    Also thanks for the prior about El Yuccataca and Mrs. Renfro's. Both are awesome and the only ones I'll use now.
    Steve S6

  11. Great advice! I'll give it a try.
    Thank you, Asshole Wisco Dave!

  12. DasBlinkenlight has it correct. Ethanol is hydrophilic and can draw water out of the air. After 60 - 90 days it can render itself useless.
    I have an airport nearby and can get avgas 100LL. That's all I run in my 2-cycle things.
    The only thing green about green energy, is the money in the politicians pocket.

  13. I've got 2 year old gas in my power washer. Fired right up with no additives. I keep gas in my Bike with no additives. Fires right up after 5 months of winter.

  14. Sta Bil works also. I have a jerry can that is 10 years olg, smelled fine, ran fine. Trick is metal, well sealed cans.

    As for tanks, Pri G is rare in soAZ, so Stabil it is.


    1. PRI-G is available on eBay, if you do that.

  15. Kenny, THANK YOU! I have to leave my vehicles for months on end, this is the ticket. I have been using Sta-Bil (not the 360 stuff), Marvel Mystery Oil and Lucas gas conditioner (looks like light amber corn syrup).

  16. I put 15 gallons away at the begining of the shutdown with Sta-bil. Three years later I pull it out and pour 5 gallons into 10 gallons in the car. It started and ran fine, even uphill so I poured the remaining 10 gallons on top of that.

  17. I have put Sta-bil in 90 octane pure gas for the past 20 years. It has been hit or miss. I have lost a chainsaw, tiller, and pressure washer carbs on it with fuel less than 6 months old. I will give PRI-G a try.

  18. I use marine/marked fuel, it has zero ethanol and stores well. 91 octane , 4cents cheaper and FUCK TURDO!!

    Chutes Magoo

  19. I always put Marvel Mystery Oil in the gas on my place. I mix it a little stronger than they say. In a well sealed container I've had no problems after a year.

  20. Thanks for the info. I've been using Sea-Foam for years in mower & chainsaw gas. Everything starts 1st try... sometimes 2nd or 3rd pull. The price has gotten kinda high though. If this stuff is cheaper will give it a try next fall.

  21. Thanks for the tip. I have been using StaBil. I usually burn all of my gas within 6 months and I only store ethanol free gas. But, the stats on Pri-G look good. I will also get some Pr-i-D for my diesels.

  22. 300 gal diesel tank on my property gets it every fill. They make a product for diesel fuel, too.


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