
Tuesday, March 19, 2024

Bernie Sanders wants the US to adopt a 32-hour workweek

The 40-hour workweek has been standard in the U.S. for more than eight decades. Now, some members of Congress want to give hourly workers an extra day off. 

Sen. Bernie Sanders, the far-left independent from Vermont, this week introduced a bill that would shorten to 32 hours the amount of time many Americans can work each week before they're owed overtime.


Shit, people can't afford to live on a 40 hour week now, thanks to Joe Biden.

Imagine the look on all those youngster's faces thinking they're going to get a 3 day weekend every week, but after the company shuffles the schedule around to accommodate the new law while avoiding paying anybody overtime, they end up with Mondays, Wednesdays and Saturdays off.
When I first started at Safeway, I had split days off, Tuesdays and Saturdays, and it sucked. I couldn't go anywhere overnight and it seemed like I never had time to get anything accomplished.


  1. They will still work 5 days a week and get LESS then the 32 hours, they wont get any 3 day weekend. LOL


  2. Most people are emotional reacting, instant gratification lotus eating addicts. Looking at 4-day week they only see 3-day weekends. They don't see split days off. If they're paid by the hour they don't see the elimination of 8 hours of earnings. Working on 32 hours might disqualify them from some benefits too. With all the real manufacturing industry in Chinky land or owned by Chinks but located in Mexico and millions of illegals that Biden’s government is giving them work permits who needs a 40-hour week? OMFG! It’s gonna be a BLOOD BATH!

  3. Bernie Sanders is a moron!

    1. Well, he's a democrat, so......

    2. He's a commie. Oh, wait, no difference. Nevermind.

  4. Why not go for a four-hour work week like Bernie's week for the same amount of money that Bernie gets?
    (Those four-hour work weeks of course count as overtime. This is DC after all).

  5. I don't think I'd like my work week cut in half. I rather like my paychecks now thanks.

  6. Let's do some maffs, even though maffs is hard.
    8 hours of 40 is 20%. So, work 20% less hours, get same pay = 20% reduction in productivity = 20% INSTANT increase in prices charged.

    WOW, and inflation is under control!!!

    FJB FJB FJB FJB FJB FJB (and Bernie, too).

    1. Since it may be claimed that the same amount of work needs to be done, they will add 20% to the number employed. We will all suffer in the cold, miserable puddle of Communism. Thanks, "Bernie."

  7. In my younger years (way younger) I worked in a dental office. We worked 4 10hr days.
    Weekends and Wednesday, we were all off. It was a great schedule, fun on the weekends and we had Wednesday to conduct any personal business.

    1. That's because Wednesday is the best day to play golf! Friend of mine is a golf nut and tells me that the courses are filled with doctors and dentists on Wednesdays.

      I've read that Comrade Bernie was kicked out of a commune 50some years ago because he was too lazy. The man has never worked a day in his life and has never run a business yet he thinks he knows better than those who do.

  8. Well...he knows his base. Ain't never met a socialist who put in an honest day's work.

  9. How we fix day light savings time first.

  10. In high school, I worked Friday night and Saturday night from 5pm to 10pm, and Sunday from 9-9.
    I did have Friday night off if it was a football game night, since I played on our team.
    One of my sons saw the list of activities I was involved in during my high school days, and asked me how I had time to go to class. I was lucky in that I had a near photographic memory. So I was able to graduate with a 3.0 gpa.
    My adult job of over 35 years I worked so many 12 hour
    shifts I can't remember a time when I put in just 40 hours.
    You have to support your family, and also the job required it.

  11. > "Shit, people can't afford to live on a 40 hour week now, thanks to Joe Biden."

    I think this is the dangerous thing everyone appears to be missing....he doesn't want to mandate a 32-hour work week, he wants to mandate a 32-hour work week *WITH NO REDUCTION IN PAY*.

    I own a business. It has been mildly successful for the past ~8 years.
    My employees get paid well over the average for their positions with the understanding that based on scheduling and demand they might work a 35-hour week one week, and then a 48 hour week the next. It typically evens out over the year to the equivalent of 40 hours per week.

    Our profit margin is only ~$5-8k/mo with 7 employees. Basically if there's enough profit coming in, we hire another employee. Another employee is $6k/mo.

    But now you want everyone to be capped at 32 hours with the same salary...and I have to pay a ton of overtime for the remaining 8 hours? And I can't reduce wages?

    Fine. Instead of having the standard "tech" job title, I'm going to create a new job title called "Tech Level 1"....then I'm going to fire half my staff because the "Tech" position is being eliminated. I'll hire new "Tech Level 1" employees at half the cost on a 32-hour work week, get them trained up by the remaining "tech" employees, then take the best performing "tech" employees and promote them to "manager/owners" each with a 24% stake in the company which (according to state laws) makes them exempt from OT (because they are now "big evil business owners") and have them work all the shifts that aren't covered because I need to cover multiple 40-hour shifts but only have 32-hours of coverage for it.

    Or...I'll just say "fuck you all who voted for this", fire everyone, and shutdown my business.
    I did contracting in the 15 years leading up to starting my own business. I can easily go back to that and make more money than I do now. Why should I give a shit about building a business and helping my employees when Bernie says I'm evil and don't give a shit about my employees when *he* doesn't give a shit about my employees.

    1. Thank you for your comment and perspective, as well as trying to follow the American dream and starting your own biz. I was surprised it took so long for someone to post the fact he still wants them to get paid for 40 hrs.

  12. With AI getting smarter, and robots getting cheaper, this sounds like a pretty stupid idea!!!

    But, as always, consider the source...

  13. The thing with AI is that it is most likely white collar and professional jobs that will get replaced. For example, why hire an articling clerk in a law office when you can use a database and AI to research your legal cases. There are many more examples. There will always be a need for people with hands knowledge and experience to fix things. The problem is that many of us doing such work are retiring along with our skills and institutional knowledge leaving behind educated idiots with “Studies” degrees who aren’t skilled enough to be anything other than a barrista at an over priced coffee shop.


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