
Tuesday, March 19, 2024

Tennessee Democrat Calls for ‘Riots’ after Republicans Pass Pro-Police Bill

A Democrat Tennessee state senator has called for “riots” in response to a pro-police bill that was passed by the Republican majority. 

State Sen. Charlane Oliver, who represents Nashville, said the Republicans’ pro-police legislation is “rooted in racism.”

In a statement, Oliver warned that “riots are the language of the unheard” while vowing that people in her district will take to the streets and “fight like hell.”


  1. Sorta like calling for an actual bloodbath. Marxist fuckwit.

  2. Fuck these leftist cunts!

  3. These communists/socialists who repeatedly call for rioters to take to the streets, know not the whirlwind they seek.
    In the past week, the media has repeatedly used the word "Bloodbath", is this really what they wish? Pushing for rioters in the street. The fear they wish to infect the county with isn't working. We fear not. Many of us have used the last 2 decades preparing for such an event.

    1. That's what they are planning if Trump wins this fall. Expect a repeat of the BLM/Antifa parades (but on steroids). Hopefully this time the riot police will open fire.

    2. Trump won't win. It's already worked out. Biden will get 83 million votes, in only blue states. Everywhere they actually look at ballots will be red.

  4. Fear not! Good citizen! The Republicans will call for "Surrender". And "healing". But only after the surrender. Surrender is NON-negotiable.

  5. Does this mean there "will BE a BLOODBATH!"?

  6. Irving J ItchuballsMarch 19, 2024 at 1:57 PM

    Go look up a pix of State Sen. Charlane Oliver - looks your typical overeducated, under intelligent, angry, empowered, entitled, asshole, black woman.

  7. I think this is actually a great idea. Let the chaos begin in earnest. Think - rooftop Koreans but on steroids. It might well be remembered as the Nashville Turkey Shoot !!! (Attention FBI guy reading this comment - this is a sarcastic, tongue-in-cheek post)

  8. So I suppose that means open season and no bag limit on rioters in Tennessee.......
    Sounds good to me

  9. If it is indeed true that "riots are the language of the unheard," one may wonder who exactly is not getting heard here. I strongly recommend that those interested in such stuff go look at the demographics of America. There are implications to this WAY beyond the emotionality and shallow, knee jerk liberalism that drives the NPCs that pollute our nation. JFK's words were prophecy.

  10. Sure let them riot all they want, just stay in your own neighborhoods and in her district. Business will close for good. Infrastructure will burn. Fuck them. Now if they leave their district and intend to take that shit else where, then all bets are off. They will learn that one young man, Mr Rittenhouse showed us the way. Be a Rittenhouse. Be “The Orkin Man”

  11. Well, she seems nice.


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