
Thursday, March 21, 2024

Commentary: Crafting a New Image for Justice in America

Were I of a more entrepreneurial bent, I might go into the statuary business. I would specialize in those statues of “Justice” one sees, or used to see, decorating the façades of courthouses. The old-fashioned, now deprecated models featured a berobed and blindfolded female figure holding aloft a pair of scales. The symbology, now on its way to the graveyard of discarded ideas, was simple but noble. Justice was blindfolded because she was no respecter of persons. Neither rank nor party nor sex nor ethnic origin would figure into her calculation of guilt or innocence. She held scales to emphasize her devotion to impartiality.


  1. It's not just a 2-tiered system, it's multiple levels. More laws than any one person could ever know. 100's of 1000's of laws, rules, and regulations written by unelected bureaucrats. And selectively enforced dependent upon what one is or who one knows. At the top our rulers are fully above the law (excepting Trump who got rich outside of politics). Below that are your celebrities and other connected that can shovel enough $'s into the legal guild to beat most charges. At the bottom are the peasants who are crushed under it all. BLM & Antifa are golden, Proud Boys and Oath Keepers are not.

    Fuck the law, disrespect it wherever possible. Do whatever you can get away with.

  2. It's the Department of Just Us and you ain't in it. Get it now?

    Spin Drift

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. Joementia & Merrick "Bugsy" Garland don't care about no stinking justice or rulings for that matter. Biden was ruled against by SCOTUS on forgiving student debt and guess what?
    President Biden forgave student debt for another 78,000 borrowers—nearly 400,000 more could receive it within 2 years.
    - WDS


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