
Tuesday, March 26, 2024

Enemies of the People

When we started this site, exposing mainstream media bias was a big part of our mission. Using the then-new internet, we and many others held liberal outlets (i.e., virtually all of them) accountable in a way that hadn’t happened before. The effect of that effort was not that the liberal press became more accurate or more objective. Rather, they came out of the closet. For the most part, they no longer make any serious pretense of neutrality. Whether that is an improvement or not is debatable.


  1. It has become "Us against Them", but the media is just the megaphone arm of the enemy. It's turned into a cultural divide where Liberals are lined up against conservatives and once again it's important to stress the fact the liberals are not interested in coexistence. They want to totally destroy conservatives no quarter given. Planning and implementing that gives them psychological, sadistic orgasms. On the other hand, us conservatives are still under the impression that life is fair and we can coexist since, after all we're all Americans. It boils down to they are smart, dedicated, organized, obsessed in achieving their goal. We just want things to stay the way they've been in the past and enjoy our lives.

    1. "the liberals are not interested in coexistence" - something in common with the muzzies

  2. It has always been us against them in one way or another, to me that is just life

  3. "Forty-nine percent (49%) of voters believe Trump was talking about auto workers losing jobs when he warned of a “bloodbath,” while 40% think Trump was talking about widespread political violence by his supporters if he did not win the election."

    It may be true either way.

  4. When the balloon goes up, they'd better watch their top knot.

  5. I quit visiting Powerline, which was until then one of my favorite sites, due to their utterly ridiculous nannyism in comment moderation. I was perma-banned from the site under three different usernames on a single "violation" each time, one of which was literally quoting from the article I was commenting on. Another time, it was for using "a$$" in reference to some donkey-Dem acting like one.

    Comment moderation is necessary, I will readily agree. But Powerline takes it to an absurd degree, and their one-and-done banning policy makes participation over there not worth the effort. A shame, too. I really liked TWiP and AmmoGrrl.

  6. I do have friends, yes its true, that are very left. Being a good conservative, I listen carefully to what is repeated. Just this past sunday, at our usual Sunday dinner with friends, I heard this... Did you hear that they may be banning gas stoves (as we are in the kitchen with a gas stove)? They were shocked at the thought and said that it cannot be true. He reads the NY Times everyday, they watch CNN, MSNBC. A college age daughter was visiting from Indiana and her Uncle stated at the table, she is voting for Trump! Well, groans all around as I kept silent. The poor girl was embarrassed to be called out in front of everyone, yet did not deny it. So, I learned that in lefty households, some of the youth are waking up to how ridiculous FBJ and his policies are. There may be hope with our youth yet.


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