
Friday, March 22, 2024

Free Speech...For Sale or Rent

Oral arguments were given today on the First Amendment cases concerning the government influencing social media sites to ban and censor speech. I listened to the greater share of it, though I could not do so and remain unprovoked. I don’t know who was arguing the case on either side and didn’t particularly care, because the poor quality of arguments were remarked on even in the chat box next to the screen.

Justice Jackson probably made the worst case and exposed herself as someone who has little or no understanding of the principles of the First Amendment, but obviously subscribed to Obama’s definition of the Bill of Rights as a Bill of Negative Rights in that they told the government what it cannot do. She asked “if these people are giving false information, are suggesting that the government can do nothing about that?” (paraphrased) If you understand the ideology of these communists, there’s nothing the government can’t do and therefore the Bill of Rights negate the ability of government to do whatever it wants. Yes! Absolutely right.


  1. The uncivil and immoral twist truth, reality and certainty into a tool for their goals. At one time long ago these people weren't allowed to infect the civil and moral population... Until we can return there will be even more of these problems.

  2. Like it or not: "Freedom speech might come from god, but it's regulated by man".

  3. Free speech died as soon as 'hate speech' was accepted as a reason to charge someone.

  4. Jackson needs to be removed from the bench and disbarred.
    She openly advocated violating the very Constitution she swore an oath to uphold and defend.
    Not suitable for the position if her understanding of the Constitution is that poor. Completely unqualified.

  5. -- Justice Jackson probably made the worst case and exposed herself as someone who has little or no understanding of the principles of the First Amendment... --

    She's a statist -- a believer in "government uber alles." Statists don't believe in rights; rights limit government! For such people, there are no "rights;" there are only permissions the government grants and can retract whenever it deems fit: "The needs of the State come first, citizen!"


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