
Friday, March 22, 2024

Sluttery pays

LA VERGNE, Tenn. (WZTV) — The City of La Vergne has settled a lawsuit with a former police officer who sued the city claiming her supervisors sexually groomed her. 

In a special meeting Wednesday night, the La Vergne Board of Mayor and Aldermen voted to authorize the mayor to sign a settlement agreement between the city and former officer Maegan Hall.


  1. Irving J ItchuballsMarch 22, 2024 at 12:41 PM

    This is the slut that was burning charcoal with half the PD....her cuck husband decided he was staying with this cumdumpster as I recall.....guess he wanted in on the thanks....I'd have dumped this one to the curb in such a situation....of course I'd have never been there though because my standards are higher...she's a homely bitch....not even alcohol could induce me to lay pipe in that.

  2. > no taxpayer funds will be spent to settle this lawsuit.

    That's a baldfaced lie because its the taxpayers who will have to pay the increased insurance premiums that this fiasco will undoubtedly drive.

    There are only two reasons an elected official would make such an asinine comment. Either the official is dumb as a rock or they think the taxpayers are dumb as rocks. Both are unacceptable scenarios.

  3. Looks like she served under a few higher ranking officers.

  4. So either she has free will and is an adult that can make her own decisions, or she is a child that needs supervision....Which is it?

    Women always claim that they were "influenced" or Groomed"....but then they also claim that they are independent and able to make their own decisions.

    If they can be "influenced" that much, they shouldn't be let out without a keeper.

    1. That's it, B.
      When it paid to be a stronk independent woman that's what she was .
      Currently, it pays better to be a victim

    2. You are referring to "Schrodinger's Modern Woman"... when she gets what she wants, she is empowered. When she does not, or can sense being a victim will pay off, she is victimized. She gets to choose the state of emotion she feels, and it usually is what profits her more. I would not exactly say that she made $500k clean, though. Ew, just... EW.

  5. Fighting crime is HARD y’all

    1. That apparently was not the only thing hard in that department.

  6. Slut, played the weak female victim card. Most of the guys she screwed were black. So what would you do if you were the town board? Want to litigate it? Hate it, but this is probably the cheap ticket.

  7. Did the mayor get one last service call for the check.

  8. I guess that makes her an expensive prostitute.

  9. Her excuse for her sluttery is a little hard to swallow.

  10. I think this makes her the highest paid prostitute in history.
    - Mr. Mayo

  11. "The city says it denies any admission of liability, and no taxpayer funds will be spent to settle this lawsuit."

    So where is that money coming from?
    Does the city have some anonymous private doner somewhere?

  12. And apparently just found out that "Five Guys" is a RESTAURAUNT.

  13. Legend has it she hired on with the railroad after being fired from the PD, citing a lifelong love of trains... True story. ; )


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