
Friday, March 22, 2024

Sanctuary Cities Ramp Up Migrant Evictions Ahead of 2024 Election

Democratic metropolises are evicting migrants in the lead-up to the 2024 election despite their status as sanctuary cities, citing resource strains resulting from the ongoing border crisis. 

Chicago, Denver and New York City are all increasing shelter evictions as the cities are overwhelmed with migrant influxes. President Joe Biden has declined to take executive action to secure the border, passing the buck to Congress despite revoking former President Donald Trump’s executive orders on the matter early into his term.


  1. Don't forget that this is all Trump's fault: he allowed the election to be stolen.
    Orange Man Bad.


  2. Ah, the old Musical Cities game. I wonder what the back ground music will be? How about a stanza from the Flatliners "Get out of my face" retitled :"Get out of my place" with the lyrics translated into 45 languages:

    Get out!
    Get out!
    Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey!
    Get out!
    Get the fuck out!
    Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey!

  3. We need a place where we can collect them where liberals can't exploit them and conservatives can't kill them. I'm thinking Johnson attoll in the Pacific. Or bikini.

    1. On the island or at the bottom of the Pacific? I vote for sending them to the bottom.

    2. And where do we suppose that they will be moving to? Which red state or red city will they be delivered to? Or will they simply roam the streets until a hot war breaks out in downtown NYC, or Chicago, or ___________ (fill in the blank)?
      This movement of criminals is all part of a plan to spread the voters around where they can do the most for the demoncrats. Expect to need armed guards at polling places if there is even an election to be had. Martial law is on its way.
      Stay safe out there and keep your muskets handy. Gonna need them.

  4. So the feeling is get out and don't come back, got it

  5. No way can any Trump policy be accepted let alone renewed


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