
Wednesday, March 27, 2024

Gas prices: What's causing increase in cost to fill-up?

Drivers have likely noticed gas prices have risen dramatically, in recent weeks, adding several dollars to the cost of a fill-up. The national average for regular unleaded is $3.53 a gallon. In Houston, it's $3.11, which is a dime more than a year ago, and $0.25 more, just in the last month. 

For most people stopping for a fill-up, the rising prices have not gone unnoticed. "They're definitely going up super fast," notes Phillip Edwards.


Summer blend, my ass. Y'all used that excuse already this year.


  1. One factor is that Ukraine's US-funded attacks on Russian refineries is reducing European gasoline supplies, which are increasingly being replaced by US exports.

    1. And the fact that OPEC reduced the output greatly. Hard to say a tiny percentage of gasoline going anywhere from Russia is costing us anything.

  2. Spring break travel, the greedy bastards always scalp prices during holiday travel times.

    1. Govt. makes way more $'s per gallon than the retailers, the suppliers, or the refiners. And crude's all traded in a free market. Where's the greed?

    2. Just for starters, check Exxon Mobil Corp. for the past month.

    3. Since you like asking questions, allow me. Can you explain how every holiday...Thanksgiving, Xmas, spring break, memorial day, etc why the price of gas goes up for a short duration without a prior spike in the global oil prices? Take your time, I'll wait.

    4. Quit looking at gross profits. The oil companies make a very small net profit, about 1-3%, off of their products, all of their products.

      Quit buying into the bullshit put out by the leftists and democrats.

  3. The fuckening!

    Chutes Magoo

  4. Houstonian here, gas has been going up again.

  5. Acording to Ray Ban Joe it's all Trump's fault.

  6. Gas prices up $1.00 in the last 2 months here in north Idaho.

  7. yeah, yesterday it was 3.79 here in the hills of pa. last week it was 3.59. then 3.69 on Friday
    so, summer blend my ass. and to think it was under 2 bucks only 4 years ago. dave in pa.

  8. Here in Australia we are paying between $2 & $2.20 per litre which is about $6.40 per gallon so stop your

  9. Here in the upstate of SC, it was $2.99 yesterday and $3.16 today. We've had it as low as $2.59 a couple of months ago, then it would jump 30 or 40 cents in one fell swoop before starting back down again, a nickel at a time.

  10. I hope they’re $5+ a gallon all summer, and hit $6-$7 by Halloween. Make people good and mad right before the election. President Old Man Badfinger already emptied the strategic petroleum reserve, so he’ll have no other options available to him to manipulate prices, and he’ll suffer the public’s rage.

    Yeah, it’ll suck for all of us, but sometimes you gotta take one for the team.


  12. ALL oil scarcity is artificial scarcity. Never forget that. There's no reason AT ALL that gas can't still be 99 cents a gallon.


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