
Monday, March 25, 2024

I wouldn't worry - you can't kill bamboo even when you try



  1. I once heard in the right conditions that stuff will grow eighteen inches in a day. Don't know if it's true but it sure does grow fast. I've chopped my share of the stuff back in the day.

  2. People who plant bamboo are criminals. That is a picture of the root mat you get in the ground under a stand and why it generally takes two seasons to eradicate it - I have PTSD just looking at it.

  3. That is in the springtime when putting up shoots. and, yes, it can grow that much in a day and more.

  4. my neighbor planted that shit and now it will not die and just keeps spreading. Tried everything! You should be able to sue over that stuff!!

  5. I can't get that shit to grow here in the desert. Is there a secret?

  6. Dad planted some that was supposed to be big, 4-6" across, instead it was average size. And since he watered it hoping some would be the big stuff, it spread. Finally have it down to a patch that should be gone later this year.

  7. As a kid I had a friend that had it in his yard, I remember his dad hated and cursed it regularly

  8. Amitrole spray kills it. Takes a while and maybe a repeat application but in about a year you can easily rip up the dead root system as well.

  9. Many years ago, my 5th grade teacher in Hawaii was Mr. Takabayashi. He explained that his Japanese name meant "Bamboo Forest." He went on to explain that Japanese common knowledge was when an earthquake struck, you run to the bamboo forest because the bamboo roots would keep you from falling into the chasm created by the earthquake.


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