
Monday, March 25, 2024

So much for a quick getaway

CHICAGO — A suburban bank robber unwisely decided to rely on public transportation to whisk him away from the crime scene on Monday afternoon, a federal criminal complaint says. Nearly 20 minutes after the robbery, police found him standing at a bus shelter 500 feet from the bank, still waiting for his bus to arrive.


It doesn't say much for the cops either when it took them 20 minutes to find him standing at a bus stop 500 feet away.


  1. "It doesn't say much for the cops either when it took them 20 minutes to find him standing at a bus stop 500 feet away"

    Going to disagree, it speaks volumes about both.

  2. It pains me to admit it, but two (yes, not one, but two) of my uncles were arrested on a Dallas city bus after doing a smash-and-grab at a jewelry store. Kinda gave things away when Ricky Don was showing passengers a forearm covered in watches, trying to sell them.
    In their limited defense, I think they were both very drunk at the time. That didn't make any difference in court.
    --Tennessee Budd


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