
Monday, March 04, 2024

Joe Biden’s Endless Eulogy

Before Joe Biden melted into a pile of talking skin, he used to be able to summon a greater degree of emotion than a paid eulogist. I don’t mean this as a joke. Despite his abysmal past with Thomas Sowell, or Clarence Thomas, or the 1992 Crime Bill (to name just a few), I used to admire his quality to mourn. He had the ability to balance candor with insurmountable grief. His pain, of course, has been rooted in personal loss, losing both a wife and child in a car wreck. 

One must note that Biden’s also a career politician, and career politicians love to find ways to manipulate real grief and suffering in stump speeches. So it’s worthwhile to look shrewdly at Biden’s not-so-distant past life as a semi-decent eulogist.


  1. It's called "Acting".

  2. I can't quite figure if Biden is the stage 4 lung cancer that's going to destroy America or the cigarettes that are causing the cancer. In either case it's becoming increasing evident employing both chemotherapy or radiation may be too late

  3. "His pain, of course, has been rooted in personal loss, losing both a wife and child in a car wreck."

    LOL at the apparent naivety...

    I'd suggest that his pain, of course, is really rooted in a failing 40+ year acting career in which he played The People for fun and profit.

    Losing his wife and child in a mysterious "accident", blamed on a drunk driver that wasn't drinking, was incredibly convenient and useful, and arguably staged, clearing the way to marry the babysitter and shower with his remaining daughter.

    Fuck Joe Biden.


  4. The guys son dies of cancer. He sets up a nonprofit and uses it to payoff a political hack. The guy is all about him. He has not felt a tragedy in his life.

    1. His son beau died in Iraq under a hail of bullets defending ‘murica! He said so himself on several occasions. Well, maybe not the hail of bullets part.

  5. If you sniff the flower on his lapel, it will squirt water in your face.
    Pull his finger and guess what happens?
    Career criminal magic.

  6. Replies
    1. Indeed.
      The guy talks more shit than a Baptist preacher with his hand caught in the Nooky-Jar.

  7. Ever read 'The Irishman'? The unions (read organized crime) loved ol joe. He was for the 'people'.....uh-huh....

    Fjb and 500+/- more

  8. Too bad it’s not his own eulogy. FJB!

  9. "A melted pile of talking skin". Now there's an award winning description of that POS.
    - WDS


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