
Tuesday, March 12, 2024

Joe, Joe, Joe.....

Former special counsel Robert Hur revealed in Capitol Hill testimony that Biden 'willfully' retained classified materials as a private citizen and gave them to Mark Zwonitzer - the ghost writer of his $8 million book - who later tried to destroy them. 


  1. But Trump . . . !

  2. Bowling Pin head Joe Scarborough and his bang babe Mika say "Just a slight mishap".

  3. Joe is nothing more than a spy. As VP he had no reason to take classified documents home for keeping. He is a spy with hunter handling the finances. And for secret documents they are registered to the owner. So whoever did the audit of those documents needs to hang too. Hur should be disbarred for not recommending prosecution. Last I checked a lawyer is not qualified to say he is too senile to stand trial. A trial should be held to show what an idiot he is.

  4. Yes I hear ya, oh you said Joe not Jo my bad

  5. How many decades has his treason been open and known and protected? Any South Vietnamese want his shriveled old dick on a stick? Who compromised him back then, and who else did they have the hooks in?

    1. Even the corrupt in Congress had branded poopy joe as the most corrupt. Even the morally adverse of vile ethics spoke of the kiddie diddler with disdain.
      But none betrayed him. Not because he was more powerful, but because at the end of the day they stick together.

      Creepy joe also helped himself to top secret docs under Klinton, when he was a Senator.

      This explains why he was selected as VP and selected as occupier of the White House.

      I truly believe that for so long has the big guy been so corrupt that God has turned him over to his reprobate mind.
      The kiddie diddler has dressed himself in lies. So deep and long is his venality he no longer knows up from down, right from wrong.

      Dementia may be age related, but such is not the case here. Harken back to his earlier run ups for the executive office. Noted for repeated plagerizism, bald face lies, snapping with aggressive anger at any who confront him, white hot lies shouted at political enemies or simply those he hated, like in Clarence Thomas. Hatred because Thomas is black. By his own words, biden admitted as much.

      But from all those, he got a pass. Because at the end of the day they stick together. And because the Rs saw no credible opponent in the fool.

  6. And then what?? Nothing will happen, all just a show. "FJB was a bad boy".. and???
    Just like when Trey Gowdy grilling Hillary, bitch still walking free. It's all part of the bread and circus show.

    1. And anyone with a security clearance that's gotten jacked up over their handling of classified documents, intentional or not, any disclosure or not should be at a rolling boil about now.

  7. There's nothing that POS can do that would cause him to suffer any consequences. Until the reckoning - perhaps.

    1. Take heart. If you want him to suffer, you're seeing it now. It may not look like boils covering the body but it is suffering nonetheless.
      Especially consider them who drag the corpse to and fro. They will be haunted for their misdeeds for the rest of their days.

      Oh sure, they're corrupt too. Why would they be bothered? Because that which they try to forget will not be forgotten. Their demons are well fed.

  8. Why is he not in jail?!!? Anyone?

  9. So, he's a "kindly, sympathy inducing inducing old man with a bad memory that shouldn't be prosecuted", but is still allowed to run the country(we all know he's not really running anything) and have access to nuke codes. Got it.



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