
Tuesday, March 12, 2024

Former Georgia GOP Lt. Gov. Geoff Duncan under consideration as No Labels candidate

No Labels may finally have a candidate in consideration for its third-party "unity ticket" in the 2024 presidential election. 

Sources familiar with the group's efforts to field a third-party ticket tell ABC News that No Labels representatives have had meetings with former Georgia GOP Lt. Gov. Geoff Duncan about running as the group's presidential candidate.


  1. This guy is up to his neck in election fraud. My guess he is running so the democrats can suck some votes away from Trump. I am imagine they will set the machines to take more votes in GA and give them to this guy. Then say that is because GA is where he is from.

  2. Duncan is lower than scum. The reason he didn't run for re-election is that he knew he would loose. Georgian's know it.

  3. I wonder if Nikki will be his VP choice. After all, unlike magnet poles, similar assholes tend to attract each other

  4. He personally screwed over the town, I think its Buckhead or Sandy Springs that is trying to secede from Fulton County or Atlanta. He basically sided with the Democrats.
    IMHO the current governor is a RINO

  5. I hate to admit it, but I've barely known who the Light Governor has been since Zell had the office.

  6. No name recognition. People want Coke or Pepsi. RC Cola won't get many buyers.


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