
Friday, March 08, 2024

MacGyvered that shit

A university academic who was trapped in the bathroom of a medieval tower for seven hours escaped using an eyeliner and a cotton bud.

University of Cambridge academic Dr Krisztina Ilko resides in the former Queens' College rooms of the 16th Century philosopher, Erasmus.

The historic tower has thick walls, heavy wooden doors and no window in the bathroom.


  1. The scholar in the ivory tower turns it around. Good for her.

  2. C'mon, man. This silly story was "femaled" to make it sound far more dramatic and "Brave. Stunning." than it ever was, and you know it. Any guy would have busted through that ancient wood with a single kick. Stop pumping these self-absorbed bints full of themselves. "Eyeliner", "picked lock", my ass. If there was any challenge at all to it, she would have just cried, and screamed, "Rape!" and every White knight within earshot would have galloped to her "rescue".

    1. Was it too much trouble for you to pay attention to the article, specifically the 3rd paragraph about the heavy wooden doors and no windows?

    2. Except, it aint heavy, and you probably could open it with your pocket knife. Which she very unMcGyverly failed to carry. a cotton hook? show us this amazing implement.

  3. Difference between men and women:

    Woman, locked in the bathroom -- Pray to the Goddess that I don't die in here, before Monday.

    Man, locked in the bathroom -- Dreading the (inevitable) "Are you almost done in there!?", before Monday.


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