
Friday, March 15, 2024

Oh, okay. That's better.

New details have emerged about a situation in which Chicago police believed they interrupted a sexual assault in progress on the South Side earlier this week. 

Cops responding to a call of a sexual assault in progress in the 9600 block of South Chappel around 8:50 p.m. Monday found a 24-year-old woman being attacked, according to a CPD media statement, which said the victim had been sexually assaulted. The officers detained the alleged assailant, 19-year-old Keenan Jackson, at the scene.

“I wasn’t trying to rape her, I was trying to kill her,” Jackson told the officers, according to his CPD arrest report.


  1. Reads article and thinks "could it be?"
    Looks at picture, "yep."

  2. Hey, the narrative today is weird. We have many laws which parents have to do to protect children from harm and health practices to protect a baby. Then turn around and publicly pay for a woman to kill her child through abortion.

    1. “I wasn’t trying to rape her, I was trying to kill her,” . That reminds me of a joke that ends in "Death by Bonga, Bonga".


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