
Thursday, March 21, 2024

Proposed Illinois amendment would safeguard voting rights for U.S. citizens only

SPRINGFIELD, Ill. (WTVO) — An amendment proposed in the Illinois General Assembly would restrict voting in any Illinois election to citizens only, heading off proposals to allow noncitizens to vote in local and municipal elections.


  1. It's a sad testament about the state of the country when legislation such as this is necessary.

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  2. No mention they have to be living, just a citizen. This is Illinois remember.

  3. The criminal invaders allowed to vote is just one reason the country's fucked up. How about some legislation to eliminate illegal alien criminals from being counted in the census because those figures are used to inflate the figures and create congressional districts. I read somewhere when the next census is done the 11+ million illegals being counted will add 34 new congressional seats and you know they'll wind up being Democrats

  4. I was an election judge in Tuesday's primary. Cook County policy is that everyone can cast a ballot. That doesn't mean it's counted. Provisional ballots might be rejected later, but everybody that walks in the door gets to vote.

  5. yeah, like this has a snowball in H*ll's chance of passage in the Demokratic Peoples Republik of Pritzger...........

    1. Quite true. Lot's of bills get proposed and never heard of again. It's just about getting a headline into the propaganda network. Illinois is too far gone to pass such a bill, it'll be proclaimed as racist.

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