
Friday, March 29, 2024

The Three Amigos

NEW YORK CITY - President Joe Biden visited New York City on Thursday, along with former Presidents Barack Obama and Bill Clinton, causing gridlock in Manhattan.

The trio all appeared at Radio City Music Hall for a Democratic fundraiser. 


  1. Can I assume tissues were provided to cleanup after those three all .acking each other off?

    1. No, Obama was there, therefore zero splillage.

  2. I'm just surprised Bushie wasn't there.

  3. I'm not too keen on a prez visiting with families of a murdered police officer....I think it's kinda a show/photo op/sleazy way to get attention. YET, the optics of 3 presidents partying with sleazy entertainers is quantum leaps more sleazy than what Trump did. And yes, I do agree with Henk....unfortunately.

  4. FJB had the best jokes.
    Clinton had the best blowjob stories.
    Obama sucks.

  5. I can't say what I'm thinking because my door would be getting kicked in before noon but.....

  6. Three of this country's most corrupt and just plain worthless politicians.

  7. Well, it is an shithole and those dicktips are the peanut filled turds!

    Chutes Magoo

  8. A homosexual, a rapist, and a child molester walk into Radio City Music Hall, the usher says "Hello Mr. Presidents."

  9. Bill wore his blue dress to clean up....

  10. How many homes do these three worthless pieces of shit own between them, and how does the fair market value of those homes compare to the judgement handed down by the POS 'judge' in Trump's bogus New York case?

    But that's fine and dandy, because these three worthless pieces of shit are members in good standing of the Democrat party. Funny how that works.


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