
Monday, March 18, 2024

Well, my Monday turned out to be pretty good

I needed to have an oil change done on the van, so I had made an appointment at the shop within walking distance of the house. My intentions were to just drop the damned thing off first thing in the morning, walk home and wait for them to call later today telling me it was ready.
When I got there at 8am the owner pulled it right into a bay and told me he'd be starting on it shortly, so I figured I might as well wait but I didn't bring my book to pass the time. 
I asked the girl in the office if they had any gun magazines laying around and she said, "Nope, but I have something better," and went out into the shop, returning with a 5-6 month old Golden Retriever who immediately came over and crawled into my lap, squirming and licking my face, just as happy as she could be.
Any business with a waiting room needs to adopt this policy immediately. I swear, I could have a heart attack later today and my last dying thought would be "Right on, I got to play with a puppy today." 


  1. yeah, wife got a golden for herself a while back. he hit 6 months last Friday. he is a handful all day long. I swear, he will lay down for 20 minutes and jump up and be full speed again.
    henry plays with the older dog Dino until he cries uncle !
    and forget keeping the house neat when they playing. damn dog loves bringing in sticks to chew to nothing. I end sweeping the damn loving room at least 2 times a day !
    but if nothing else, puppies are great for your blood pressure !! dave in pa.

  2. You hit the jackpot today brother; better than powerball.

  3. Always a good day when you get to pet a puppy.

  4. That's cool something about dogs brings me to my most happiest place as well. They know who loves them. They are. Great at knowing bad people too. Great judges of character

  5. A great start to a new week

  6. You got that right!

  7. Thats definitely a good Monday

  8. Retriever pups are sooooooo cool! All silly w/ the BIG floppy, ears and paws! Love me some puppers!

  9. What I'd give for a Monday like that.

  10. Puppies are so cute and make us feel good, well they do me

  11. Thanks, WC. That was nice. Morgan, I miss you, you tiny, tiny, puppy!

  12. My wife and I would hang out there so long they would ask us to leave to make room for other customers!

  13. Oh! YAY! What on earth is a happier time than that? I know just how you feel. <3

  14. For years, one of my favorite clients to visit had a rot pup that absolutely loved me. We'd play fetch, roll on the floor, play "hide and seek" in the cubicles, etc...

    Then one unfortunate day the dog owner (and owner of the business) noticed I was carrying and told me in a loud voice that they don't allow that "for insurance purposes". Half the staff (all female) got up and announced that they carry too. They cancelled my service that evening, and a few days later half the staff were laid off. Now there's a "no weapons" sign on the door, and rumor has it a lawsuit is pending.

    Stupid shitlibs.

  15. Our lab is 5 now and she still tries to get into my lap. Her tail also takes out anything left on the coffee table. I served a buddy a drink in a self-closing metal cup. He joked he wasn't that bad of a drunk; but less than a minute later it went flying from a happy tail.


  16. Labs are puppies until they are at least 7. Human years. Had two silver labs,.brothers... they were called "the silver circus" with good reason

  17. golden retreivers, pups or adults, are natural antidepressants. my doggo winston made it to 18 and he loved every day. near the end he didn't chase the tennis ball any more, but he'd offer it to you, nice and slow with his tail going. I never tied him outside, he never wandered off. all the kids knew they could stop and hang out with him as long as they wanted.

    I don't want to tell the story of the cop who shot him. so I'll stop there.

    1. I hope you hid the cop's body pretty thoroughly. SSS

    2. I wasn't home. the cop admitted to it. said he was "in fear of his life" from an 18 year old golden retriever who could barely walk.

      took it to court. the cop smiled at the judge when he said he did it. the judge smiled back and said according to NH law, a dog is worth $25 so why am I wasting the court's time on something so trivial.

      cop crumples a $20 and a $5 together and throws it at me. the judge and the cop had a good laugh over it.

      there is a special spot in hell for the both of them. it won't be me arranging the trip, as much as I'd like to.

      all because I had a sign saying the new police station was too expensive, and they should dial it back some.

      dammit, i miss that dog. he never wished ill on anyone. smiled at everyone he met. sure, he probably didn't have much time left...but it wasn't up to that cop to say his time was up.

    3. Dakota, Duchess, Beau(all Goldens), Ben (Bernese Mountain) Fritz(doxie) and Muffin & Brandy (glorious mutts) are a'waiting me across the rainbow bridge... I'm sure Winston has some good companions to play with while they wait for us.
      When I finally get sent to Hell, I would like to see the level reserved for dog killers... Then, maybe, it would be too satisfying, so I wouldn't be allowed to see it.

  18. Went to Home Depot the other day for some PVC fittings. Guy came in with a 5 month old brown lab. He spent 10 minutes finding his fittings and I had 10 minutes of Dog Heaven. Felt better all day.

  19. Puppy could tell you were a dog lover. Only thing better is a pretty girl smiling at you.

  20. I've had similar experiences several times. Some of the dogs remember you quite well and expect treats. DOGS - gotta love 'em.

  21. Aw, man. I'd LOVE that. I'd get my oil changed every day.

  22. The car shop I go to has a "Marmaduke"


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