
Tuesday, March 05, 2024

We'll see

Michelle Obama has ruled herself out as a presidential candidate, putting to bed speculation that she would jump in at the last minute to give Democrats an alternative to aging Joe Biden.

The former first lady maintains a star power within Democratic politics, despite largely removing herself from the political scene in recent years. 

'As former First Lady Michelle Obama has expressed several times over the years, she will not be running for president,' said Crystal Carson, director of communications for her office, told NBC News.


  1. At least one Democrat has some semblance of intelligence.

  2. Don't believe a word she says. Lying is Satan's native language and politicians speak it fluently.

  3. "Michelle Obama has ruled herself out as a presidential candidate"

    How 'bout Mike?

  4. Hillary is going to muscle her way in, even if it means a sh*tload of Dems have to commit Arkanscide.
    Remember, you heard it here first.

  5. Too risky....despite the accident with the chef, the secret is too far out. Besides, it's safer and more effective to be the middleman behind the throne than actually on it.

  6. I don't believe a single word of that tripe.
    "I'm not going to run for President, but if the American people want to draft me..."

  7. She's not exactly running, she'll just be appointed at the very last.

  8. It's funny how the left is eager to push a woman whose only claim to fame is spreading her legs for a powerful man. Goes for both Michelle and Hillary. I don't recall the right doing that at a national level.

    1. Only thing Big Mike spread was Barry's butt-cheeks

    2. I guess I've never thought of Webster Hubble as powerful.

  9. This article lost my attention when it termed her as a First Lady. She has a di-k!

    1. Wonderful, now we've got conservatives that have trigger words.

  10. America is relieved.

  11. Remember, Caesar refused the crown three times.


    Chutes Magoo

  13. Notice she left herself an out. 'Mrs. Obama supports President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris' re-election campaign.' But what happens if President Joe Biden pulls out and stops running for re-election? Well, according to her, 'What's going to happen in this next election? I'm terrified about what could possibly happen, because our leaders matter,' she said. Bingo. If Joe steps away then she'll just have to step in to save democracy, or something, and since Joe's not there the way will be clear for her. I'm not saying it's a sure thing, but how could Barack possibly resist a 4th term. He'd be tied with FDR. This is sure starting to look ugly.

  14. I'm going to follow Michelle's direction so now I'm announcing I will not be on the ballot in November as the Democrat presidential candidate.

  15. It’s been floated around it’ll be a Mike/Newsome replacement! (Mike was intentional)

  16. So what if Nikki Haley changed parties and replaced Kamala Harris ? She is doing as much damage to Trump as The Left and more than just a few Republicans would vote for anybody else but Trump.

    Replaces a useless present VP (Harris). Name recognition and eating off Republican donor $$$ only to switch. Crazy but some things fit.

  17. Bike Mike's ego on display. I won't run, but if you BEG me I could change my mind you lowly peasants!!!!

  18. Never held office-guess that isn't a lefty requirement.

    1. At the risk of sounding left... Trump didn't either. But he did attempt to do the job.

  19. You know how leftist lie....

  20. The commie left owns the Obama's...body and soul. We'll see if they make her an offer she cannot refuse. When you sell your soul to evil there's no coming back from the deal. Refuse to go along with the plan and you might suffer a "tragic accident". Like the Obama's chef suffered.

    1. I thought he was owned by Soros and the WEF.

  21. There's a Dian Fossey joke here, but I just can't pull it out...

  22. H puts her name in the ring but she's less popular than either FJB or his substitute. Mike will do an "Aw, shucks, if you insist" act at the last minute

  23. Nah. S(he) really doesn't want to handle the work load involved, either campaigning or actually appearing to run the country. It's got a nice, fat life...more money that it can spend, and an undeserved pedestal to roost upon and be worshipped by the woke Left. Life is good for Mike; no need to rock that boat.

  24. Dogs bark, snakes slither, liberals lie. It is in their nature. Don't believe a word that comes out of any of their pie holes ever; reading what they say is a waste of time.



  25. Do you wonder why they are pushing this trans s**t on us constantly? How else, when Big Mike jumps in, are they to explain what any sane person knows, She is a he and his partner was not born in Hawaii. They got some splainin' to do... but Democracy!

  26. She won't run, even if drafted. She enjoys her "crack whore who won the lottery" status too much. She and Barry are living the high life and she isn't gonna give that up to be the face of the presidency while Barry runs things from "his basement in his sweats". She'd divorce him if he tried to force that on her.


  27. she's a he ? well i'll be dammed. {smirking while typing}

  28. Who the hell keeps asking? Goes to show you how thin/non-existent the Dem pool of candidates is.


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