
Wednesday, March 20, 2024

What did you expect - it is a party city

Law enforcement officials in New Orleans said they are contending with heavy mold and deteriorating conditions in the city’s aging police headquarters. But their biggest concern centers around a group of sneaky rodents that have broken into the department’s evidence room to munch on marijuana, reported.


  1. Well, "it's rodents munching on marijuana" is an update on the "it fell off the tailgate" for excuses as to how something was lost.

  2. New Orleans has monster cockroaches. Their everywhere.

  3. Maybe it was siezed MJ brownies?

  4. Don't get me started on that shithole and the retards in charge of it....... or that live there.
    Best thing I can say for it is there's 2 law-abiding parishes between me and it, their cockroaches get arrested way before they can get here...
    Thank you Jefferson Parish and St. Charles Parishes for all you do and sorry for what you have to deal with

  5. The rats were last seen munching doritos and singing "Ben".

  6. Desk Sgt: "All right, that's it, let's get into the evidence room and roll a joint. And Hey!... let's be careful in there the rodents are stoned".

  7. Next thing you know, the raccoons are selling evidence room goods out of the trunk of a sedan.

  8. Army Corps should collapse a couple dikes to flood the place. Wash it out to sea. Don't rebuild. Residents shipped to Haiti. They practice voodoo too.

  9. I’ve been in a lot of NOPD precincts over the years. They’re all run down shitholes.


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