
Thursday, March 21, 2024

When you try to be a good guy.....

A good Samaritan was hospitalized after confronting a thief who had assaulted and robbed an elderly woman in Long Beach.

Bryan Tecun, owner of Bryan’s Birrieria food truck, said the incident happened on March 11. After working a long shift, Tecun was ready to pack up for the night. 

As he drove his food truck home, that’s when he spotted the elderly woman being assaulted on the street near Broadway and Pine Avenue.


  1. Cudos to the man, risky endeavor for sure, hero material and almost paid the price. There is a minor differentiation of accounts though, from the news story to the GoFundMe. News story sez that he arrived at the catering joint, and the security officer found the clot and called for help. The GoFundMe sez "By the Blessing of God he pull over and decided to call 911 for an Ambulance. ", wonder if the GoFundMe creator is pulling a scam? Ahh yes, the suspicious sceptic in me...

    Morning all!!!


  2. No good deed goes unpunished.....

  3. Stay armed, stay alert. These people are rabid and feral.


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