
Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Anger Makes You Stupid

VIDEO HERE  (8:22 minutes)


I'll do you one better. Not only do I not make serious decisions or run my mouth when I'm angry, I also don't make decisions when I'm tired. I learned at an early age to put off any major decisions until I've gotten a good night's sleep and I'm not running on emotions.


  1. Pretty good advice. Anger and fatigue both contribute to all bad Descisions

  2. Add grief to the list. I know someone who advocated waiting 6 months to a year before deciding to sell your house after a spouse or child dies.

  3. My coffee mug says "Avoid making irrevocable decisions while tired or hungry".. Speaking while angry has gotten me into the worst trouble too....

  4. So the angry employee that quit, calls back at 23:30 a few days later to say he's over 'being angry', then gets angry all over again because the position he quit has been filled. Future bullet dodged, I'd say.

  5. 64 yo and don't give shit what others think, i speak my mind and can back it up. the wife doesn't like me to go into town with her anymore. she will see my face and say my name three times to no avail.
    i have almost been banned from Walmart, big whoop. i only go there once every two or so years anyway. i buy local whenever possible. people in general just piss me off with their ignorance. i call Walmart the freak show. i only go there to sit on the bench with my brothers in arms when i'm bored and watch the clowns and the women. yep, we all carry here in the south.
    don't mess with those old folks on the bench by the door, they will ruin your day. FAFO

    1. Your wife must be a saint.

    2. Anger is not really an attractive thing to center one's character upon. Contrary to popular belief, how angry you are does not correlate with how right you are in any given circumstance. Emotional incontinence and being perma-pissed off is a force field that repels women, children, pets while attracting crazies and tons of negative energy. Touch grass. This applies to men and women, or whatever one decides they are for the day.

  6. I'm pretty even tempered. I stay mad all the time. The madder I get the more my self-preservation instinct disappears.

  7. Sometimes the solution won't wait, consequences be damned.

  8. I don’t know Kenny, seen a few of his videos and to me, he comes across as kind of preachy. He isn’t wrong, just don’t dig the pontificating delivery. I manage a shitload of personalities…just talking from experience. Everyone is different and they don’t need to be me. His business, his decision.

  9. Yep , I've been doing the industrial maintenance thing off and on for 40 years and in that time I have learned sometimes it's best to just walk away . When you are struggling with something and frustration is setting in and shits starting to get you riled up too much , take a breather and cool down and regroup. Lots of the time after you take five and catch your breath you can refocus and figure it out .

  10. A fool gives vent to his anger, but a wise man holds it back. Sounds familiar, I hope. I have found it better in my experience to wait and dispassionately address situations calmly, politely, but with the exact amount of force that is justified....not that I always manage to pull that off. I am as flawed as anyone.

  11. That advice about speaking your mind when angry above by Wirecutter is good advice. Words can be later forgiven, but some words will NEVER be forgotten. Best to swallow some pride and apologize for those words, making sure to say you were angry and didn't mean them.

  12. I spent half a lifetime having to make decisions pretty much on the spot, tired, hungry, angry or sad. Life on an emotional roller coaster, from adrenaline cursing through you to bored to tears. Not always the best time for critical thinking, but you learn to make do. One bad choice would get your name on a wall down in Florida. "Initial Success or Total Failure". May 4th is National Explosive Ordnance Disposal Day. Raise a glass to the fallen on the first Saturday in May this year! Eod1sg Ret


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