
Monday, April 08, 2024

Anti-Gun Group Plagiarizes Photos of Top Female Shooters to Gaslight the Public

This is the busiest time of year for professional shooter, wife, mother and Army veteran Julie Golob. She is hosting classes and training hard for the upcoming competition season, which begins later this month. She did not have much time to devote to a controversy that surfaced last week, when her image and personal information were misappropriated for a social media post by the anti-gun group 97Percent, as part of its campaign to gaslight the public into falsely believing it is a moderate pro-gun group.


  1. Dirtbag leftists. They prefer lies to truth. They hate God given liberty that much

  2. Keep poking the bear.................gonna be a major FA,FO. I just hope I'm not to infirm to not participate.

  3. Sounds like Julie Golob should sue the shit out of them.

  4. Well, at least 97Percent actually used women rather than men dressed as women for "women's history month."

    Hope the real women of guns sue the ever-loving shite out of the organization.

  5. The real realization is when people understand what group is disproportionately (on a massive scale, indisputably) committing those shootings. Then, the issue in any rational mind changes from control of inanimate objects to managing groups of people. It is telling that in a large majority of mass shootings, the shooter is known to have been on SSRI antidepressants. It is merely politically unthinkable at present to effectively address these cold, hard facts. That is, if the powers that be actually want to stop violence perpetrated with firearms. Firearms NEVER do the shooting on their own, they require human interaction to discharge. Shotgun went off after it fell while leaning against a tree? Human action caused that series of events. Dog pulled the trigger? Same. Child gets ahold of it to tragic end? Same. Blaming the inanimate object is a pagan thing. Same energy as throwing virgins into volcanoes or Aztecs industrially slaughtering enemies through human sacrifice.

    1. Chicken:egg
      Are the shooters out there because they are on anti depressants or are they on anti depressants because they told a doc they want to go shoot people? 1 in 4 women are on SSRIs. Why are there not more female mass shooters?

    2. Only a small percentage of the people on anti-depressants can be turned into a mass shooter, but be sure- they don't miss any.


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