
Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Commentary: Biden Losing Support of Young Men Due to Border Crisis

The latest Harvard Youth Poll reveals President Joe Biden has lost significant ground with voters under thirty compared to four years ago, with a 20-point decline among young men. While young Americans give Biden low marks on foreign policy and economic issues including inflation, housing, and the job market, immigration is a leading factor in young people’s departure from Democrats.


  1. Is there any voting bloc where Joe le Petomane hasn't lost voters?

  2. If that's correct I guess the Democrat machine's gotta cheat harder.

    1. "Captain - we need those Dilithiam Crystals - we're cheating as hard as we can, but we cannah make it !!"

  3. Have you noticed the Democrats aren't worried about bad poll numbers or eroding support? The only reason they would worry about any of that would be if voting mattered.

  4. The last election who counted the votes was more important than who voted. Has that changed?

  5. These are the same assholes that protested Trump building a wall. Biden got in and stopped building, opened the borders and they cheered. Fuckin assholes. Kids nowadays are so immature. Cause and effect is a foreign concept.

  6. Not only is he allowing millions of illegals. He is also offering tax incentives to business that hire them. Democratic democracy needs a new slave class since Americans will not be voting for them. People are waking up to the fact that dear old Joe has offered them 10K per vote from Americans but pay 10K per month to keep the new democrats afloat until the election. Just wait until the freebies stop flowing. Those places will need any kind of sanctuary they can get...

    1. RE: the freebies stop flowing

      Who controls the flow of freebies?
      Why would they stop the flow?
      To whom are they loyal?

      This is example of why for many years I have said that time is on the side of the commies. They control the vertical. They control the horizontal.

      The only way that would change is by overwhelming force. The potential applicators of that force sit idle.
      It is absurdly laughable, in this current condition, to even mention the flow of freebies would stop, let alone to think it at all possible.

      Above all, we can pray to almighty God that good men and women will once more know the animating zeal of courage flowing in their veins so they may act to right this ship.

  7. Fentanyl Joe will just have to promise more college 'loan' forgiveness programs. Like for this guy I read about yesterday who was forgiven $250,000 with him saying "now I can go to India to study". With 'borrowed' money of course.

  8. 1.7 million new voter registrations in texas since 2020 election. I dont think polls will make a difference. The cheat is in progress.


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