
Monday, April 22, 2024

Commentary: The Coup d’Etat Against Candidate Trump

In 1967, I had the privilege of studying criminal law at Yale University. The teacher was a superpower in the field named Joe Goldstein.

After a short time, we got to a series of cases where a prosecutor had empaneled a grand jury and gotten an indictment against some poor soul — almost always poverty-stricken and often black — who had either no evidence against him (and he was almost always male). That poor soul usually was convicted. He went to prison and that was that.

The evidence put before the grand jury — again — was almost always trivial or nil. The convict rarely was afforded an appeal and, even if he did appeal, he rarely got any relief. This was called prosecutorial discretion or misconduct.


  1. Remember when Jimmy Kimmel was "normal" on "Win Ben Stein's Money"?

  2. Note that it's all N prosecuters, and usually sheboons. We are badly in need of a hot race war to improve N values.

  3. Proof the Progressive elites, who are neurotic and obsessed focus and pour every ounce of their energies 24/7, 365 on destroying their "enemy" because total power and total control are their only life goals. In Trump's case the Progressive's psychotic behavior will succeed by getting him convicted and labelled a "felon". That won't stop him from running for president but it will draw enough independent votes away from him in a close race along with tainted vote cheating and lack of the Republican deep state members support to defeat him.

  4. America does not have a Justice system, never has. What we have is a legal system and a completely corrupt one at that. If justice actually occurs inside a courtroom it's an accidental and unintended byproduct of the 'legal' process.

  5. Ayo, hol up.
    Understand the strategic, 50,000 foot view here. There is a trend (has been for years now0 of appointing/electing POC to positions of "power." They did not get there by themselves, they largely have been emplaced for the sole reason that any complaint or pushback against them, no matter the merits, gets attacked as "muh raysism." These tokens have handlers, the unseen, soft-handed and often sweaty puppet masters. Do you think the NYS AG James got there on her own? Consider whose interests she represents. AG Willis? Same. That guy in Manhattan? you guessed it. They are a symptom of what ails the country, much as the weirdos with "pronouns" that seem to rainbow felch their way into the cabinet and in its orbit of compromised corruptocrats.
    The author laments the pulling at a very sensitive seam in America, and these folks gleefully carry out their new master's orders like they thought of it they own self. That seam is a very real one, the authors' concern is quite valid. The thing that should be occupying space in people's minds is what they are going to do to mitigate the risk that all of this represents to them, to their families and livelihoods.
    These "people" are motivated by the same spirit as the Khmer Rouge, they are trying to pull a "year zero" and none of us are really safe from any of this. This is "democracy.'" Yay.


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