
Monday, April 22, 2024

Tick season is here

Tick season is starting across the country, and experts say it’s important to be vigilant this year. 

As springtime temperatures start to rise — typically above 45 degrees — you will want to think about how to protect yourself and your pet from ticks in grassy, leafy and wooded areas. As outdoor activities ramp up, so does exposure to ticks, which are on the prowl and ready to hitch a ride on you or your pet.


Pro-tip: 1000mg odor controlled garlic tabs for only 6 bucks for 200 doses HERE. Take one a day to keep the ticks at bay.

I used to pick up ticks like crazy any time I went into the brush until a reader tipped me off to these garlic tabs. I went from having to pull several of the little bastards off of me anytime I even went near my treeline to maybe one or two a year after I started taking the tabs.


  1. I had Rocky Moutain Fever when I was younger, it kicked my ass for a couple months. I tried the garlic before, bugs just seemed to enjoy the buffet more

  2. Tick control and heart health.
    Thanks for the tip!

  3. In Minnesota I kept a baby food jar about half full of alcohol on the fridge to drop the ticks into, with all the kids we found a lot of them everyday, even when we kept the grass down (way worse in the tall grass!).

  4. DEET.

    It's like Chanel No 5 in my house...

  5. Let's just hope Dr. Fauci along with the Chinks aren't trying figure out a way to cross-breed ticks with cicada

    1. That little cocksucker is no more a doctor than Jill.

    2. Unclezip, he's more in the line of Josef Mengele.


    3. They were trying it with ticks and cockroaches a few years ago, but it was stopped by the Democrats because they figured out it would alienate too many ghetto blacks and Rican voters.

    4. Dr Fauxi, pronounced Dr Fooie, government hack quack

  6. Now you don't have to worry about ticks OR people bothering you! Perfect!

  7. I used deep woods. Works good. I've about three acres for a lawn and I spray Telsar P on occasion with a small pull behind boom sprayer.

  8. I eat a lot of garlic naturally. I put it on everything. When I was working my co-workers finally got the courage up to tell me I smelled like a Italian restaurant (something like that). I laughed, gotta have my garlic.

  9. I live in upstate NY, about 100 miles west of Albany. And already I have removed 3 ticks from the dog and 1 from myself. I've been lucky that I got them before they attached. But it's still early. The dog has to go sniffing where other animals have been. So I call her the tick magnet.

  10. I used to put good quality flea and tick dog collars on my boots. It did stop the little buggers from crawling up my legs.

  11. 100% DEET. That's the best. Plus, treat your boots and pants legs with Premetherin. You will very rarely find a tick. I sprayed the bottom foot of my tent along with the tent floor with Premetherin and that kept all the creepy crawlies out.

  12. When I lived in rural Pennsylvania, we had a large field where we walked the dogs. If we did not cut the grass every week, the ticks would be horrendous. I now live in rural Colorado Springs, and at 7,300 feet elevation, we have no ticks. Well... I did get bitten by one last year after we had a pretty wet spring. Not bad for seven years...

  13. Rubbing raw garlic on your balls works also..

  14. Geez, the $5.98 product at Walmart is almost $20 on Amazon. Picked some up today, but - sniffing the open jar, it's still pretty garlicky. Thanks for the Pro Tip, Kenny.

    1. You won't smell it after you ingest it, even if you're sweating.

    2. They do make odor-less garlic tablets.

    3. Thanks, will try it. Got the first one off me three days ago.

  15. Get some Guinea hens. They love ticks and will clean up a property right quick Kenny.
    They are amazing! Spiro


  16. Got Ticks? Guinea Fowl Could Be Best Way To Get Rid Of Them (Rattlesnakes Too)

  17. Permethrin. Spray your clothes with it. Lasts 5 or 6 washes. Gives the ticks hot foot and they drop off. I spray my yard with it too. Tick season is 365 in Central America. Bravecto for the dogs every 6 months. Keep the grass short. I learned all this after getting Lyme. Now just trying to keep my kids from getting it.
    I take Disulfiram for the Lyme but A; you cannot drink or even put alcohol n your hands, eat salad dressing with vinegar, ketchup,..
    and B; it makes you feel like you took an ounce of shrooms about 45 minutes ago, which is not exactly conducive to parenting two little kids when you fell like you are about to start tripping balls

  18. I use full strength Listerine original mouthwash in a cheap spray bottle to douse my boots and pants before I head out. They stay away from my clothes, the Garlic seems to keep them off my skin.



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