
Monday, April 22, 2024

Your Feel Good Story of the Day

Wild bodycam footage has been released showing the moment police in Seattle gunned down an alleged sex predator who pulled a gun on them during a sting operation during which the suspect reportedly thought he was meeting up with two underage girls. 

The suspect, 67, arrived at a DoubleTree Suites hotel in Tukwila at around 3:15 p.m. on Wednesday under the impression that he was meeting two young girls, ages 7 and 11, the Seattle Police Department (SPD) says.


  1. Not that I have an issue with killing child predators, but if you or I used that level of force... that many shots, we'd be under indictment for murder.

    And, of course, if he had been black, then the outcry would have been very loud. It's happening in Chicago right now on a similar type of shooting (perp with a gun/cops mag dumping).

    But because this was an old white guy, the media and such are ok with it.

  2. Don't worry. Lefty PROtesters are too busy demonstrating for the murder of 10 million jews. They don't care about blacks. Today. CNN will tell you when that changes again.

  3. One less degenerate. Don't think of it as a dead perp, think of it as lives of children saved from that creep.

  4. Man, that is crazy...
    I hate pedophiles but I agree with B

  5. That predator used the worst, weakest, gun draw I've ever seen.

    1. It looks like he was making a move to surrender his pistol, maybe knowing the trap had closed?

    2. Yeah, he was awful quick to get it out for show but wasn't presenting with intent....if it was me packing, and expecting a budget load of .50-140 brass(*) on the cheap but seeing the popo instead, the first they'd see was the empty spot where they told me to wait, and their heads exiting left while I scream "welcome to Infantrytown, pray I have bullets or it gets worse". Whole setup stinks, but the colander guy aint speekin'. They sure did make sure he didn't go home at the end of his shift, but according to the vid they were ready for business when they opened the door. Can we see the previous five minutes

      (*) Just another scenario....maybe I was buying a bit of 5160 steel instead... it's a MacGuffin, and if it were a real child sodomist, I would not shoot the repulsive scum, it would die slowly whilst trying to escape while crawling across a lava field of plutonium glass on its eyelids.

  6. Sick f***er! At some point society has to protect its children from pedophiles, drag queens, queers, LGBQTABCXYZs and any combinations and permutations of these.

    Pro tip, a little late for this child predator: Don’t go a pointin’ dem shootin’ irons at the cops!

  7. Hmmm…. Would’ve been better if they winged him a few times so he could be conscious while bleeding to death. Problem solved either way.

  8. Anyone else notice the 2 cops shooting directly towards each other?

  9. They should have performed a magazine exchange and kept mag dumping on him.

  10. Another LEO mag dump execution.

  11. "Shots fired." Understatement.

  12. Just understand that police spend hours and hours 365 days a year baiting mentally ill people to agree to meet an underage child and then when they do it they are charged with pedophilia. Sure you're going to agree with this but at the same time real crimes are allowed to take place or go uninvestigated because of lack of staff. Would you be just as happy if police women where placed undercover in bars to get men drunk and then have them drive while uniformed police hide in wait?

    1. You're equating child molesting with a DUI?

    2. No! I'm equating entrapment with entrapment and illegal police actions. There are mentally ill people in the world. Just because a policeman can entrap them into committing a crime (or more correctly attempting to commit a crime) doesn't make it right. A couple of cops could do the same thing at any bar at 2:30 am and arrest perhaps 20 people for real crimes but even that would be frowned upon by the courts. Police shouldn't be using tax dollars and public resources to increase their body count. Do you job and catch the actual criminals there is no shortage of them.

    3. Anon@2:07 I don't think you understand the word entrapment. Please explain how this agency talked him into meeting up with these children?
      Why aren't these cases thrown out more often if it's entrapment?
      These cases involving the internet are completely and thoroughly documented with every single word in the conversations recorded and preserved for evidence. If there was even a hint of entrapment, the cases would be thrown out.

      Entrapment. Corrupt cop.

      "If there was even a hint of entrapment, the cases would be thrown out."

      Do yourself a favor to understand how bad our police and courts are getting. This guy can't afford a decent lawyer. They will charge him with a dozen crimes for a total of 99 years in jail. His court supplied lawyer will tell him he doesn't have a chance the jury will convict. The DA will offer him 20 years and no trial. His lawyer will tell him to take it. The word entrapment never passes anyones lips. The DA gets reelected. The cop gets promoted. The judge goes home and gets drunk. The court appointed lawyer gets his court appointed 40 pieces of silver.

    5. That's a strawman argument. We were discussing internet predators and your allegations of entrapment, not marijuana sales.

  13. They say, "When you f*ck with the bull, you often get the horns."

  14. A bit off topic, but how did the perv think a 7 and 11-year-old would get to the hotel and book a room?

    1. One of the other articles I read said he bought them from what he thought was the mother and she was supposed to have brought them there.

    2. That's even more gross, if possible. I don't like cop mag dumps, but if anyone was going to get one, this is the guy.


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