
Monday, April 01, 2024

Commentary: The Ever-Continuous Villaining of Joe Biden and His Minions

I’ve discussed the “hero’s journey of Donald Trump” here in this column multiple times — and it turns out I couldn’t get away from it even if I wanted to. Every day we hear a drumbeat of evidence that the Left — the media-governmental-intelligence Deep State complex that has declared war on the entire world, with the free American people its primary enemy — has gone absolutely off the deep end. 

Villains gonna villain, y’all. And these villains are villaining like the clock is running out on them.


  1. $5 Below with have to rename themselves to $10 Below.

    1. They’re already calling themselves “$5 Beyond” in some places.

  2. I think the republican house members (who are really democrats) are quitting for several reasons to give democrats the edge. 1. It takes congress to remove a candidate for resurrection. I think they will take a shot at that as asinine it is. 2. The backup if that fails or Trump still gets elected is to rule the election rigged and not let him take office. 3. An immigration proposal will come up to allow illegals citizenship and have them vote.

    1. Per pat Buchannan, they are really "two wings of the same predatory bird".

  3. Think I'm an asshole all you want, but once again I'm compelled to speak up, Progressive Democrats are Neurotic, obsessed power-hungry control freak bullies. Their entire lives revolve around laughing at and destroying the lives of those who oppose them. They're very organized, control all the government organizations like FBI, CIA, IRS, NSA, and the top officers in the military. The Republicans are either complicit or are scared shitless of the Deep State cartel. Us pawns can do the spread the peacock feathers, stomp around proclaiming we're gonna have a civil war, fist pumping and snorting but at the end of the day we're just pawns in a big cluster fuck. So just relax, buy all the toys you can afford with your credit cards and enjoy life, but stop pretending this phase of social/cultural evolution reversed back to the "good old day". It can't.

    1. The top republicans in the house and a lot of states are progressive democrats. They control the narrative so it is difficult to counter the democrat.

    2. Well he knows it can be removed now.


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