
Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Florida to Teach Public School Students About Communism

Florida school students will receive instruction on the history of communism after a bill was signed into law on Wednesday.

Gov. Ron DeSantis signed  that will require public schools to implement age-appropriate teaching lessons on the history of communism, beginning in the 2026-2027 school year.

“We’ve seen what’s happened on the island of Cuba over these many decades, because of totalitarian ideology, communist ideology, and you’ve wrecked a society, because of that tyranny,” DeSantis said.


  1. Any educator caught trying to white wash communism should be jailed. If they want to believe that trash that's their problem. However, to teach it with lies to our children it should be a felony.

    1. And are they also going to explain that Cuba's closes trading partner, the USA, also tried to pull off something at the Bay of Pigs?
      If this topic isn't already covered in World History, then DeSantis needs to go ahead and resign.

    2. Just today I thought, You want to take back your country? Kill Marxist teachers.

  2. and the lefty indoctrinators are losin their shit, saying desantis is "telling kids what to think"....the same leftists that in prior years were trying to convince kids that we're basically already a communist country because of infrastructure and services like fire/ems/police/ post office, trying to destigmatize the word and plant their evil seeds in naive little minds..fukkem and good for desantis!

  3. It's the right direction just a little too late I think.

  4. We used to have that, called "Comparative Political Systems" but the Dems got rid of it around 1980.

  5. WestcoastDeplorableApril 23, 2024 at 3:43 PM

    I see no problem teaching kids what we used to call "Social Studies" and that should include Marxism, Communism, as well as our U.S. History. But we also need to ensure the students are getting the entire picture, not just the instructor's opinions.

  6. Nothing wrong with knowing the facts but is that what they will teach

  7. Kinda strange...when I was in High School, there was a class called "Americanism vs. Communism" that was madatory to take and pass to graduate.

    1. I graduated in 1981 (Tallahassee) and remember taking that class. Also, we could smoke on parts of campus, carry knives in our pockets, and have guns on the rack in the truck, in the school parking lot. FREEDOM!

    2. Note that SSRI drugs appeared in widespread use in 1987. There are certain antisocial acts that seem to have taken an uptick since then. I wonder if there is correlation.

  8. the indoctrinators are already ass hurt because desantis put a hault to the CRT bullshit, they claim they never taught CRT...knowing full well they did, just didnt call it that

    This he/him/his 'teaches' at desantis high school alma mater...and he points that out often.
    He is typical of the leftist indoctrination going on in high schools today and doesnt deserve the clicks but you should listen to some of the rants just for a glimpse into today's education.

    1. Dude teaches at one of the wealthiest and whitest schools in Pinellas County.


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