
Tuesday, April 30, 2024

"It's just like the old Wild West. It's crazy"

San Bernardino County deputies arrested multiple people for trying to steal from a freight train at the Cajon Pass in what resembled a scene from an old western movie.


  1. Federal offense. Should be locked up big time.

  2. People in their 70s & above would know what I mean when I refer to this band of miscreants as The Wild Bunch.

  3. Replies
    1. It's them again, Yogi.

    2. "Open Borders. What could possibly go wrong?"

      Teams of rip crews, recently released from Venezuelan prisons for one thing.
      Welcome to the Third World, America.
      Thanks, Democrats.

  4. Learning how to hot wire a locomotive was the high point of my military sabotage training course. Great distraction to send 2-3 off unmanned in random directions to distract rear security before engaging the primary target

  5. Dumb Shits. trains are monitored, not moving on GPS, no answer from the operator. Gee can't be a problem

  6. "Due to the ongoing investigation, deputies said they won't reveal how many people were arrested" What a bunch of boolchyte.

    lemme guess, not one of the miscreants was white. - Nemo

  7. Governments trying to solidify their power may intentionally cause an increase in crime. It can be useful to allow crime to increase so that new restrictions can be imposed, surveillance increased, weapons confiscated and disallowed, police forces enlarged,etc.


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