
Friday, April 12, 2024

TN Republicans pushing to allow open carry of assault rifles despite pushback from TDOSHS

NASHVILLE, Tenn. (WKRN) — The bill mainly only changes one word in Tennessee Code. 

“There’s many states that currently have open constitutional carry, Mississippi being one of them. I’ve talked to the Speaker, Gunn, before he retired about it,” Speaker of the House Cameron Sexton (R-Crossville) said. “Other states have constitutional open carry wide open, and in those states you haven’t really seen a problem. I understand that there’s a concern about what that would look like because it’s never been here.”


Typical Leftist reporting as you can tell by the headline. Nowhere does it say 'assault' rifles.

Personally, I've never felt the urge or need to carry a long gun around town, but if the situation ever arose I suspect most people wouldn't give a shit if it was legal or not.


  1. Note following embed at the link.

    "Federal report finds 68,000 guns were illegally trafficked through unlicensed dealers over 5 years"

    Unlicensed dealers. In other words, not dealers. Dealers must be licensed. This is just ATF trying to redefine what a "dealer" is, and make private sales more difficult. They want to make even one private sale, even to a family member, sufficient to require an FFL. And yet they've been working hard to shut down all the little FFLs. Whipsawed, anyone?

  2. If things get so bad that I need to carry a long gun around town, I'm not going to town. And I will have a long gun in my vehicle with me wherever I go.

  3. Long gun open carry is legal everywhere, isn't it? What part of a long gun open carry ban could be constitutionally supportable?

    In a landmark ruling last June, the US Supreme Court declared that Americans have a constitutional right to carry a firearm in public places, arguing that a century-old New York law requiring a “proper cause” to carry a gun outside of the home is a violation of Second Amendment rights.

    1. And that ruling has been pretty much ignored by HI, CA, NY, NJ and the Biden regime.

  4. In New York, one cannot have a loaded rifle in a motor vehicle. That law is part of the Environmental Conservation Laws but not the penal law. They don’t want people driving down the highway, seeing a deer, and taking it from their cars.

  5. "most people wouldn't give a shit if it was legal or not."

    Yep, if the time arises where I feel the need to carry a long gun, it won't matter if the law says I can or not, At that point the "Law" has broken down to such a point that the cops will have better things to do, and/or they won't fuck with people who do carry for fear of getting shot. And folks like me might shoot 'em if they try.

    But as pointed out above, if it gets that bad, I'll think twice about going into town at all. Especially alone.

  6. I wouldn't tote my M-14 around main street just to prove I can. Carrying a long gun in public scares the shit out of pussies and cunts. It may be legal but you're gonna be jumped every 20 yards by a cop answering a 911 call.

    1. While that may very well be the case for you. Do you want them to tell you that you cannot legally carry if you want to?

    2. Jeffery in AlabamaApril 12, 2024 at 4:42 PM

      No doubt. I imagine the incidents of violent crime might actually drop. I don't think there would be any sort of jump in crime. I base that on the fact that unlike most lawful citizens have zero qualms about the legal process to purchase a firearm other than the it is BS procedure that brings us right back to square one. Unlawful people don't follow procedures and more especially the law. Most criminals avoid any contact with the law. Openly carrying any gun might invite the "man" into your life whether the person with the firearm wants them there or not.

    3. I don't want to get into a pissin' contest, Jeff, but I hate "It's my right" shit. Believe it or not you ain't got no rights despite what the constitution says. That's propaganda. Walk around with a locked and loaded AR-15 and high-capacity magazine even in a city in a state that's fairly gun friendly and I guarantee you'll regret it. Personally, I want people to think I'm an innocent 80+ year old man so they leave me alone. If they don't then I'll do my best to see they regret it. My ego don't require me to show off. In addition to keeping my insurance policy close to my heart I drive a beat up old, but well-maintained Toyota Corolla and do the speed limit. I gave up displaying my testosterone plumage when i grew up years ago.

    4. "Whatever you do, don't frighten the horses" -Miss Manners.

  7. Every American already has the right to carry rifles in public.
    They simply lack the courage to do so.

  8. Kenny, in Robertson county in the '70s it was no big deal to strap a .22 or shotgun to our bicycle handlebars to go rabbit or squirrel hunting. Nobody gave a shit, and often some dude in a truck would ask us what we were going hunting for. Got a ride out of it sometimes.
    --Tennessee Budd

    1. Uh huh, I can remember doing the same thing in California when I was a kid. We'd hitchhike into town with our 22s to Barber's bait shop, buy single shells for a penny apiece, then go across the road and shoot jackrabbits.

  9. Went to a rural school where it was no big deal to see gun racks in trucks with shotguns in them in the school parking lot.
    A lot more people, it seems, possessed things like honor, integrity, love of God & fellow man back then.

  10. Things are going to continue downhill, socially, civilly. I can see where going to town for a Dr. visit or getting supplies with an AR pistol in 300BO or 7.62x39 would be a great deterrent and/or fight stopper.


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