
Friday, April 12, 2024

CNN's Smerconish Accuses GOP of 'Demonizing All Immigrants'

On his eponymous Saturday morning show, CNN host Michael Smerconish blurred the distinction between legal and illegal immigrants as he asserted that conservatives will "demonize all immigrants" in response to a new RNC website that documents crimes committed by illegal aliens.


  1. I don't feel demonized. I am a proud immigrant, arriving here LEGALLY.

    1. Ditto. The shiite my family went thru in '58 to apply, be interviewed and family pack the 8 of us is the direct opposite of what these fkrs are doing walking across the border like they're crossing the street.

  2. All illegals should be demonized!

  3. cnn was trying to fix their ratings. They are back to their same old untruths. They will never get out of the cellar.

  4. when you review MS-13, etc., etc., yah, those fuckers need to be sent directly back to Hell

  5. "Melting pot," my ass.

  6. Didn't Smernicosh host what was considered a conservative talk show in Philly? WTF happened to this dipshit?

  7. What a chucklehead. The guy was a moderate republican 20 years ago when he was a local Philly radio guy, but now that he's on CNN, he's just searching for ratings. Sad.

  8. Put one foot in my house without being asked in and you're a criminal to be dealt with accordingly. I don't give a shit if it's a 70 old starving Señora with one arm and uses a walker, who pretends she's a house keeper. She don't belong there just like all the invaders don't belong in my country.

  9. What is that saying about pointing fingers, oh yea 3 more pointing back at them..
    Here's a finger for them 🖕
    Fuck the communist news network

  10. Illegal Alien Invaders should be demonized as they broke our law and are criminals. And I could care less about them being demonized.

  11. just like they demonize all gun owners

  12. Who’s watching that bullshit anyway? Very few it seems.


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