
Wednesday, April 17, 2024

Your Wednesday Morning Florida Report

A St. Augustine woman was hospitalized overnight after a 30-pound raccoon chased her and her pet dog into her house, the woman’s neighbor told News 6 partner WJXT-TV. 

The 75-year-old woman and the dog were trapped for an hour and a half and were bitten several times, according to the woman’s friend, who told WJXT he helped fight off the raccoon.


  1. Replies
    1. Yes, rabies. Raccoons are the most common carrier of it in the east... elsewhere, it is skunks and some other animools. In Florida, you can go get rabies vaccinated, but you need to see the State Dept of Agriculture to arrange it for a small fee. You need 3 shots to be all-up. Not painful, worth it as a precaution. As you can see here, you never know when an animool is going to enter the equation. That said, do NOT be casual around raccoons! They are NOT meant to be pets. Very cute, but stay away from them.

  2. "Ness said he was in the kitchen and tried to fight off the raccoon. He managed to snap a photo of the animal in the house."

    He stopped in the middle of the fight to take a picture? What is he, 16?

  3. Had a neighbor that use to put his lab on a run when he went to the store. A 30 lb. coon got into it with his older dog, killed him dead, later found the coon dead in a brook half mile away.

  4. Did anyone ask if she now wished she had a gun?


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