
Thursday, May 23, 2024

Ashley Biden admits her diary about 'showers with dad' as well as fears she was 'molested' is real

Now we know for certain: the diary, like the laptop, is real — and its contents are alarming.

So why isn't the media all over this?

In 2019, Ashley Biden, the then 37-year-old daughter of President Biden and his wife Jill, wrote in her journal about showering with her father at an inappropriate age as well as her fears that, as a child, she was sexually abused.


  1. "So why isn't the media all over this"?

    Rachael Maddow has to confirm it by taking a hot steamy shower with Ashley Biden and experience what Ashley is accusing Joe of, then with a thumb’s up Rachel will reveal all.

    BTW, I'm wondering if Joe was wearing his Ray Bans when he was soaping his daughter up and down

  2. It's not like anyone with a brain didn't already know it was true. Jill has to have known for years her meal ride was a pedo, she just got to old to keep his interest anymore.


    1. Jill was too old about four years before she was old enough to vote.

  3. 3 monkeys. See no evil, unless it is a Republican we can besmirch. Hear no evil, unless it is a Republican we can besmirch. Speak no evil, unless it is a Republican we can besmirch.

  4. Ashley Biden is the victim of child sexual abuse, and the predator is in the white house.


    The President of the United States is a sexual predator. He should be in prison, where the inmates have a way of dealing with such .... beings quickly, and effectively.

  5. All obviously true - and that's a helluva article.

    Speaking of which, I've been unable for the last several days to access comments on Daily MAil articles. Anybody else having this problem?

  6. Well it was either going to be Xiden or his crack addict son Hunter ..... maybe fake dr Jill got in the action to

  7. WestcoastDeplorableMay 23, 2024 at 9:05 PM

    Tonight as I write this, the nation's #1 law enforcement official is attending a state dinner with the nation's #1 criminal. That would be Merrick Garland and Hunter Biden. No, I'm not shitting you:

  8. Joe abuses us all.


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