
Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Caltrans pilot program tests replacing gas tax with charging per mile driven

California roads are maintained through gas tax revenue, but that's dwindling with the increase in the number of electric vehicles. 

A new pilot program aims to charge drivers for using the roads based on how much they actually drive - removing California's gas tax and replace it with a mileage tax instead.


So when are you going to pay this travel tax? When you do your annual vehicle registration? Can you imagine going in to register your vehicle and instead of the (and I'm pulling this figure out of my hat) 500 bucks it was last year, it's now $1500 because you commute 50 miles each way?


  1. like anything else the "state" does, it is to take your money. as for vehicle registration that goes up every year now here in the great state of PA. it is 6 bucks more than last year.
    and we have a high gas tax too. PENDOT does do a great job on the roads around here
    but in other places, not so much. although, there is a "free" charging station in the local state park if you happen to own a EV. I like to find out if I can run a welder off it. as for having a EV in this state. nope. gets quite cold around here in winter.
    my dad always said that the "state " is always looking for ways to get even more of your money to spend on what THEY want to spend it on. it is really hard to find anything the state does NOT tax us on really. dave in pa.

    1. Free charging station? So why the fuck isn't there a free gas pump?

    2. yeah. that is what my neighbor and me where bitching about to the local state clown
      congressman a while back. now you understand why we wanted to run a welder off it ? . electric has gone up quite a but here in the hills of pa. dave in pa.

    3. Tell the meth-heads how much copper is in the charging station.

  2. And if you think the per-gallon gas tax will go away when the per-mile tax is implemented, come see me; I've got a bridge for sale.

  3. They'll want a constant income revenue so I'm sure they'll have a way to bill electronically every month.

    Don't forget, all new cars will have a kill switch soon.

  4. If it's like the IFTA system we pay with trucks, it's now tracked electronically and paid monthly. Used to be paperwork, forms, and send a check.

  5. Uber and taxi drivers would be reamed. If I am an illegal I am exempt. If I am a govt worker I am exempt. If I am low income I am exempt. If I am a student I am exempt. If I am poverty income level I am exempt. Will tourist have to check in at the border and pay a fee.

  6. Yeah. some how it will be electronic and seamless, wait, Califortopia and Government. Need to check what I have been drinking.

  7. It's just another way for the elites who eat, sleep and breath 24/7 thinking of ways to fuck over the peasants. There's no fighting it. The only way to lessen the pain of the constant elevating extraction of your money by the government is to adopt a simpler lifestyle, but for most that’s like a heroin addict walking away from a daily fix.

  8. What about out of state traffic??

  9. How about making EV drivers pay their fair share? Which is likely more than ICE vehicles since they tend to be heavier (thanks to the battery) and that means they cause more road deterioration.

    Also, they should pay a $200 yearly fee (not a tax) to offset the cost of firefighting for these vehicles. The money can go into a state pool to be reimbursed to fire departments that have to fight them: Why should the typical taxpayer be forced to cover the cost of these fires that can last for days and require minding (and overtime) while they burn?

  10. From a couple places I've read, there are various ways of collecting the tax - none of which inspire anything other than visions of big brother in my head.

    From wiki:

    "an onboard vehicle device to capture the distance driven by a vehicle through GPS or other technology and relate that to a method of charging, which could involve payments at the gas pump, billing, or automatic deductions for a prepaid customer account. GPS units on board a vehicle can record distance, assign it to the appropriate taxing jurisdiction, and calculate the amount owed."

    Pre-paid? Can we say - pay your tax or we shut your car off? Or we come boot it - since we know via the gps where it is at any one time?

    1. That's step 1. The next will be to tie every account with your SSN to their system, and all you get to do is choose which will be debited, probably something close to real-time, or at least hourly.

  11. I ran my pickup on propane for a while. It was far cheaper than gas at that time. The state required a permit to fill up, and the permit fee was based on mileage. The permit went from $75 for the minimum mileage, to $250 for the maximum. Changing the speedometer in my old pickup took about 20 minutes. I'd run one until I was approaching the minimum allowed, change, and change back just before the yearly inspection. The mileage reported to the state was never enough to push me over the minimum.

  12. Charge it to their electric bill.

  13. WestcoastDeplorableMay 21, 2024 at 6:07 PM

    They're also considering raising the per gallon gas tax to $2. Right now it's about $1.55. Last time I gassed up I paid $4.15 a gallon. Good thing I have a hybrid.

  14. First of all the per gallon gas tax is never going to go away. This new per mile tax will be in addition to the per gallon tax. And once Kali successfully imposes it you can bet your ass all the other states will follow along. No matter how much tax the criminals in power impose it somehow is never enough.

  15. A government entity is not going to give up any tax revenue. They will just change what it's called

  16. The punchline is; this mileage tax will be in addition to the tax on gas.

  17. Coming to England too.
    The gas fuel taxes won't be lifted, road charges will be in addition to price you out of your proper car and into some toy battery car.

    People think voting for exactly the same people once again will change things, sigh...

  18. Unplug your odometer

  19. "Miles driven" when you spend half the time in standstill traffic will create another "Unintended Consequence" that will require less freedom, more $$$ to "fix".


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