
Tuesday, May 21, 2024

WTF is Happening to America & What Are You Going To Do About It?

The title of this piece is a question I always hear (and ask). What the fuck is happening to this country? 

From listeners, neighbors, friends, family, and even those whom I despise on the opposite end of the political spectrum, it’s obvious to anyone paying attention that this country is a complete mess. The natural follow-up question is, how did we get here?


  1. America is circling the toilet....And Americans will do NOTHING aside from rolling over on command..... That about sums it up...

    1. Hey, Ritchie P, you jump first, we'll follow.

    2. I absolutely hate what Ritchie had to say, but that doesn't make it false. What is the line in the sand that will cause action to be taken? Stolen election? Been there, done that. Man exposing himself to your daughter and suing her for being a transphobe?

      Are you going to act alone? Really? How successful do you expect that to be? Do you have any plan beyond voting harder?

      The Patriot with Mel Gibson had an interesting point of what will it take for you to take action. For Mel's character, it was the death of one son and the kidnapping of another.

    3. My hope is in Jesus Christ crucified for my sins. I will continue to love my neighbor as best I can and I will not tolerate this evil. I will not comply to tyranny. That's what I'm doing about it.

  2. The elites have created and promoted a divide and conquer agenda in their effort to destroy the middle/working classes which has been the fiber that has held our constitutional republic together for over a hundred years. They also know the general public's propensity to embrace bread and circuses is a great distraction to divert an enormous number of citizen’s attention away from the planned destruction of the culture. My observations of people tell me many are oblivious or in their naivety support the shit show. In any case I do not see a happy ending to a well-planned and even more effective ongoing stratagem.

  3. Fuck "how did we get were", how do we fix it?

  4. Education. It has been dumbed down for decades.

  5. I'm gonna vote harder, yell at my TV, and watch trannies walk off with our elementary school age kids. Why do you ask?

  6. I will vote for Trump. I don't necessarily like him. I sure as hell wouldn't ever want to sit and have a beer with him. However, I like what he did when he was president. I hate the thought of wearing anything with writing on it. My tee shirts no advertisement and I used to take a seam ripper to my jeans and remove names. With that, one thing I do not see are very many Trump hats or bumper stickers. I see Biden/Harris a lot though most look old. I think people need to stop being afraid and start advertising for Trump. I believe some are scared or don't want to be scorned or given the finger or some shit. Well, what's your country worth to you? I'm guilty of not having a hat or sticker and need to do that. I always, though I see them rarely, tell people that I like their Trump hats or their bumper stickers. If you hate red as I do they come in other colors. I guess now I'm gonna have to practice what I preach. I'm ordering a hat right now. if all Trump voters advertised it may have more impact than you realize.

    1. I would GLADLY brandish a bumper sticker, but the “non-violent” left would 100% vandalize my vehicle. Not going to allow them to do that. I do however where a Trump hat and get nice comments on it. I’ve never received any bad comments.

  7. Part of the problem is that those opposed to all this have no idea how to organize. The left has been organizing for over 100 years and they know all of the choke points. Those on the right have been too busy going to work and paying the bills to really mount a counter-offensive. Most people I know are livid over what has been happening ever since bath house barry made it socially acceptable to publicly hate White people and traditional America, but they’re also sort of paralyzed by “What are we supposed to do?”

  8. I did it. Got a gray one coming in on the 25th and I will wear it. I double dare ya.

  9. Nigel from CanadaMay 21, 2024 at 2:05 PM

    Exactly the same here north of the border. Trudy and Biden cut from the same cloth, and probably have the same master in Davros. To many coincidences.

  10. "Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other." John Adams

    Nuff said...

  11. No idea what the hell is happening to the country and there is bugga all I can do about it

  12. Kill a Commie for Christ comes to mind.

  13. The real problem is target selection. Unless you are in DC, knowing who to snipe is difficult.

    1. Not really. The politicians all have a voting record, the police all have records of arrests, the tv pundits all have video of them talking, neighbors put signs up to show who they are. You just need to pay attention and maybe take notes.

      I thought everyone had a local list?

    2. Yeah Charlie, you are spot on. Maintain your list of local collaborators. The hard part for some, prolly most, will be the time when said list comes into play, you know when the Green Star Cluster goes up and its time to assist the collaborators in reaching room temperature.

  14. We somehow decided our responsibilities ended when we voted. That's not the case.

  15. I humbly suggest y’all start listening to LTC Steven Murray on Rumble … weekly Situation Report (live on Monday evening) and the weekly Roundtable with guests (live on Wednesday evening). Both are available any time as the shows are recorded. Another great interviewer with great guests is Mike Farris at Coffee and a Mike Show, also on Rumble. And don’t overlook NC Scout at and/or

  16. My country, which used to be known as Gt Britain is further down the road to hell than the USA is.
    What caused it? politicians mainly, aided and abetted by an electorate that voted every time without fail for whichever of the two (cheeks of the same arse) uniparties they were told was the least dangerous or would claim to give them more free stuff paid for by someone else, all told this by a bought and paid for media.
    The electorate vote for the uniparty every time and every time expect a different result.

    The biggest enemy of the people of the west is the idiot box in the corner, the television, it spews out 24/7 propaganda, the rest of the mainstream media just the same, all bought all paid for.
    For years i've been telling people to experiment with switching the thing off for one month and see how different they feel.

    What is destroying Britain now is mass immigration, 90% of it totally legal and which the present uniparty team, and the one to replace it this year after the election, have no intention of doing anything about, despite promising every election to cut immigration to a fraction of the current.

    All lies, they all lie, but the people can't think for themselves due to said idiot box in the corner.
    The country, like the USA, is bankrupt anyway.
    Hell is coming.

  17. My reply to the question "What are you/we going to do about it?..." I give them the only answer that I feel is within reach of the average person.
    I am going to keep watch on my yard, and I am going to keep watch on the neighbor(s) yard.
    I will do my best to cultivate good relations with my neighbors, just as I will do my best to become as self sufficient as I can.
    I will no longer allow the gangsters in D.C. to manipulate my emotions.

    The country of freedom and justice, the country that we were taught about as children (1970's era) is dead. When Lee surrendered on April 9th 1865, the country of the founding fathers died, and with it, the last chance to put the brakes on and restrain the federal juggernaut.
    Since that day?...I believe we can all see how it is turning out.
    Time to tend the garden, and then go help the neighbor cut down one of his trees.


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