
Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Report: Medical Schools Secretly Defying Supreme Court’s Ruling on Affirmative Action

A coalition of medical professionals revealed the methods by which medical schools across the country are circumventing the Supreme Court’s ruling outlawing the practice of affirmative action, and employing such race-based policies anyway.


  1. As Andy Jackson said he made his ruling, now let him enforce it. The only way this decision gets enforced is if CONgress gets off their dead asses and denies federal dollars to institutions that violate the ruling. We know that's never gonna happen, especially with Demonrats in power in the WH and the Senate and I doubt it'll ever happen even if Republicans ever come back to power.


  2. My daughter in law is interviewing for Professor positions and I can confirm this.

  3. Remember when Ike brought the 101st Airborne to Little Rock to integrate Central High School?
    Good times...
    (P.S. Governor Orval Faubus was a Democrat.)

  4. The SCOTUS and all courts are impotent, powerless. They rely on the executive branch to enforce their rulings. If the criminals running the executive branch don't like the ruling they
    ignore it. Our political system is broken. Irredeemably, irretrievably broken

  5. How about they enforce a ruling that all congress critters must be cared for only by DEI doctors and nurses? I'd love to see a TikTok reel of diversity hires dancing around Nancy Pelosi's decaying carcass on the House floor.


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