
Friday, May 31, 2024

"Dead? Shit, we thought he was on a nod!"

Much has been made of the highly publicized series of recent violent attacks on public transit in Los Angeles, with many calling for an increased law enforcement presence on buses and trains and in Metro stations. 

While Metro officials have authorized a surge of law enforcement, the Los Angeles Times reports that the issue may not be only the number of officers, but also how “lax” their patrols are.


  1. I never knew what became of the lifeguards that were at the pool.

  2. When vagrants are shooting up, sleeping and shitting in the streets and the local government is fine with that, then what's the big deal with a dead guy? At least he isn't hurting anyone.

  3. So... they want to defund the police, ban handguns, criminalize self-defense, lower taxes, increase "services," de-criminalize crime, and flood the streets with illegal aliens... and have "lower crime and a higher standard of living?"

    Sure. Coming right up. Just wait for the leprechaun riding the unicorn. He'll deliver it for you.

  4. Come on give the cops a break. No one's perfect. They would have noticed when the stink started to peel the paint off the walls and the buzzing of the green bottle flies hit 120 decibels.

  5. With the amount of bums and drugheads on the streets of LA, you're trying to convince me that an expired one is newsworthy. How often is a dead one in a tent in his "community" before the local bums discover them days later.

    1. Nobody's trying to convince you that a dead man is newsworthy. What IS newsworthy is he was dead (from the article) 'despite the presence of five Los Angeles Police Department officers who patrolled that platform'.

  6. Yep, can’t lock the crooks up cause the stooge DA won’t allow it but gotta make sure they tapping their cards. They might have noticed if the On Patrol Live cameras were with them. I understand that it’s like a third world shithole there anyway.


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